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Contents tagged with key-word:   Equal Opportunity

Commission of the Region of Veneto for the realization of equal opportunities between man and woman

Regional Commission for Equal Opportunity

The Commission for Equal Opportunity between Men and Women of the Region of Veneto was created under Regional Law No. 62, 30 December 1987, "Institution of the Regional Commission for the ...

Last update 30 Jan 2017

Dichiarazione di Pechino

Documentazione (1993)


Last update 4 Nov 2010

Programma regionale degli interventi in materia di pari opportunità fra uomo e donna per il 1993-1995

Documentazione (1992)


Last update 26 Feb 2019

Programma regionale per la realizzazione delle pari opportunità tra uomo e donna

Documentazione (1991)


Last update 26 Feb 2019