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Contents tagged with key-word:   Gaza Strip

Distruzione nella striscia di Gaza
[Events and Updates]

OHCHR: published report on possible violations of the laws of war by Israel in Gaza

On June 19 the UN Human Rights Office published a thematic report, on six emblematic attacks by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza last year that led to high numbers of civilian fatalities and ...

Last update 2 Jul 2024
Criminal Tribunals in The Hague
[Events and Updates]

ICC Prosecutor issues applications for arrest warrant for Israeli and Hamas leaders

On May 20, 2024, ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan issued applications for arrest warrants to seek accountability for those responsible for the crimes, under the Rome Statute, committed in the conflict in ...

Last update 30 May 2024
Logo UNRWA - Agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per il soccorso e l'occupazione dei rifugiati palestinesi
[Events and Updates]

UNRWA: Report of the independent review after Israeli allegations

The report on the “Independent review of mechanisms and procedures to ensure adherence by UNRWA to the humanitarian principle of neutrality” by the independent review group that was set ...

Last update 14 May 2024
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: "Anatomy of a genocide", Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese (2024)

On March 2024, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese, presented her report "Anatomy of a Genocide" at the ...

Last update 27 Apr 2024
Athletes of the para-cycling team Gaza Sunbirds.
[Events and Updates]

#LetThemRide: Petition to help athletes from Gaza to participate in the Paris 2024 Paralympics

Gaza Sunbirds are a team of para-cycling athletes founded in 2020 with the objective of representing Palestine at the Paris 2024 Paralympics. Their base is in the Gaza Strip. They are aiming to ...

Last update 27 Apr 2024
Alice Nderitu, UN Special Adviser on Genocide, briefs reporters ahead of International Day of Countering Hate Speech (18 June)
[Events and Updates]

The UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide’s statement on the war in the Middle East

On 9 February 2024, Alice Wairimu Nderitu, the UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide released a statement on the horrifying continuous situation in the Middle East.  As the war in ...

Last update 18 Feb 2024
 #Call4Peace initiative

#Call4Peace initiative: Open letter to European Union, through the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, "Peace for Israel and Palestine grounded in international law"

100 signatories, former ministers, high-ranking diplomats, prominent scholars, humanitarian leaders, writers, artists, spiritual leaders and Nobel Peace Prize laureates, are addressing an urgent ...

Last update 2 Feb 2024
Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General
[Events and Updates]

UN Secretary-General urges nations to reconsider their decision to suspend UNRWA funding

Some Western countries decided to suspend their funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) following the allegations by Israel that some ...

Last update 1 Feb 2024
UNNews: Airstrikes destroy buildings in the Gaza Strip
[Events and Updates]

The death toll in Gaza has surpassed 25,000 people

United Nations humanitarian workers have disclosed that the number of casualties in Gaza has now exceeded 25,000 since the outbreak of war on October 7th. The UN Office for the Coordination of ...

Last update 1 Feb 2024
WHO: Surgeons operate on a patient at Al-Quds hospital in Gaza
[Events and Updates]

UNOCHA: Aid mission denials are latest threat to Gaza’s hospitals

The repeated refusals by Israeli authorities to permit UN aid teams to deliver needed humanitarian relief inside Gaza have had severe consequences, isolating five hospitals in the northern region ...

Last update 19 Jan 2024
Vittorio Arrigoni
[Events and Updates]

Grief and Dismay for the barbaric murder of Vittorio Arrigoni

The Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua joins in the mourning and in the dismay for the murder of Vittorio Arigoni, Italian volunteer in the Gaza Strip, human rights and human dignity ...

Last update 15 Apr 2011

Commento alla Risoluzione 1860 adottata dal Consiglio di Sicurezza nel corso della 6063° sessione, 8 gennaio 2009

Antonio Papisca (2009)

Human Rights Academic Voice

Last update 30 May 2019