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UNRWA: Report of the independent review after Israeli allegations

The report on the “Independent review of mechanisms and procedures to ensure adherence by UNRWA to the humanitarian principle of neutrality” by the independent review group that was set up after Israeli allegations against the UN relief agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) has been released. 

The allegation by Israel regarded UNRWA’s staff affiliation with terrorist organisations. Despite the lack of supporting evidence from Israel, the claims have significantly impacted UNRWA's operations, leading to a suspension of funding totaling around $450 million. 

The review group, led by Catherine Colonna, former French foreign minister, concluded that UNRWA possesses extensive mechanisms to uphold its neutrality. These mechanisms include the disclosure of employee lists to Israel, although no concerns have been raised by Israel since 2011. Nonetheless, the report proposed recommendations such as establishing a centralised neutrality investigations unit and updating the Code of Ethics for staff. 

Concerns were also raised about UNRWA schools. The report acknowledges UNRWA  efforts to ensure neutrality in education. Challenges are present, particularly in conflict-affected areas like Gaza, where attacks have disrupted the education system. Allegations of anti-Semitic content in the educational material by the Palestinian Authority were also examined. Consequently, the report recommends content’s reviews among host countries, Israel, and the Palestinian Authority. 

Despite these challenges, UNRWA remains crucial in providing essential services to Palestinian refugees, especially in the absence of a political resolution. The report emphasises the agency's irreplaceable role as a humanitarian lifeline. The UN Secretary-General has accepted the report's recommendations, emphasising the importance of international support for UNRWA's mission.

UNRWA Commissioner General Philippe Lazzarini expressed commitment to implementing the report's recommendations. An action plan will be developed to  take forward the recommendations. He also emphasised UNRWA's dedication to upholding humanitarian principles, especially during challenging times for the Palestinian people.

In parallel with the independent review, the UN Office of Internal Oversight is conducting a separate investigation into Israel's allegations against specific UNRWA staff members. This second investigation is still ongoing.