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Civil Society Participation in Intercultural Dialogue

Manuel Manonelles (2010)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 6 Nov 2012
Monsignor Luigi Mazzucato during his lectio magistralis after been proclaimed doctor in Institutions and Policies of Human Rights and Peace, Aula Magna, Palazzo del Bo, University of Padua, 11 November 2010
[Photo Galleries]

Honorary Degree bestowed on Monsignor Luigi Mazzucato, First director of the NGO "Medici con l’Africa Cuamm" (Padua, 11 November 2010)

Thursday, 11 November 2010 at 9.30, at Aula Magna "G. Galilei" in the Palazzo del Bo, University of Padua, took place the conferring ceremony of Honorary Degree in Institutions and policies of ...

Last update 11 Nov 2010
[Institutional Contents]

Honorary Degree in Institutions and Policies of Human Rights and Peace of the University of Padua bestowed on Monsignor Luigi Mazzucato, First director of the NGO "Medici con l’Africa Cuamm"

On thursday, 11 November 2010 at 9.30, at Aula Magna "G. Galilei" in the Palazzo del Bo, University of Padua, took place the conferring ceremony of Honorary Degree in Institutions and policies ...

Last update 27 Jun 2012
[Events and Updates]

Honorary Degree in Institutions and Policies of Human Rights and Peace of the University of Padua bestowed on Monsignor Luigi Mazzucato, First director of the NGO "Medici con l’Africa Cuamm"

Thursday, 11 November 2010 at 9.30, at Aula Magna “G. Galilei” in the Palazzo del Bo, University of Padua, there will be the conferring ceremony of Honorary Degree in Institutions and ...

Last update 10 Nov 2010
Meeting with Peyvand Mansura "Islam and Human rights in Iran", Faculty of Polical Science, Padua, 26 may 2010
[Photo Galleries]

Meeting with Payvand Mansura, co-founder of the International Tribunal of Iran (Padua, 26-27 May 2010)

On the 26 and 27 of May 2010, the Human Rights Centre hosted Peyvand Mansura, an Iranian journalist who worked for the press agency Pars during the Shah regency. Peyvand Mansura served a ten years ...

Last update 27 Oct 2010
Flag of Union for the Mediterranean composed by two orizontal bands, the upper part is white (hope), the lower part is blue (the Mediterranean Sea).
[Institutional Contents]

Cooperation in Euromediterranean initiatives

Since 2009, the Human Rights Centre has collaborated with educational and cultural initiatives promoted within the framework of the Union for the Mediterranean.   EMUNI In July 2009, the ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Presentation of the Barometer of international solidarity demonstrated by Italians in 2010
[Events and Updates]

Presentation of “Barometer of the solidarity of Italians – 2010” Rome, 14 September 2010

On 14 September 2010 the data of the fourth edition of the Barometer of the solidarity of the Italian people have been presented in Rome. The Barometer is a survey promoted by Volunteers in the ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Marcia per la Pace Perugia-Assisi, 24 settembre 1995. Una foto panoramica dell'inizio del corteo con lo stricione di apertura che recita "Noi, popoli delle Nazioni Unite".
[Events and Updates]

Tavola della Pace: the March goes on. City by city!

After the March for Peace Perugia-Assisi on 16 May 2010 and to conclude the 28th national Seminar of the Tavola della pace “Against the bigger crisis” which took place on 2 and 3 July ...

Last update 24 Sep 2010
Khavaran Cemetery, where thousands of political prisoners were buried in mass graves
[Events and Updates]

University of Padua: meeting with Peyvand Mansura, representative of International Tribunal for Iran

University of Padua will host, on 26 and 27 may, Peyvand Mansura, Iranian journalist for Pars agency during the Shah regime, and political prisoner for ten years under the Khomeinist period. The ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
The United Nations Human Right Council in session.
[Events and Updates]

The activity of the Italian Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights

The Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights is a network of 72 Italian non-governmental organizations, operating in the field of the promotion and protection of human rights, ...

Last update 30 Apr 2010
The speaker at the inauguration cerieony of the Anna Lindh Forum 2010. Among the speakers: André Azoulay, the Mayor of Barcelona Jordi Hereu and Miguel Moratinos
[Events and Updates]

4th March 2010: Barcelona, toward an Euromediterranean integration

On 4 March 2010, the ceremonies of two relevant events for the ongoing process of euromediterranean integration and cooperation took place in few hours in Barcelona: the first Anna Lindh ...

Last update 7 Oct 2010
Marcia per la Pace Perugia-Assisi, 24 settembre 1995. Una foto panoramica dell'inizio del corteo con lo stricione di apertura che recita "Noi, popoli delle Nazioni Unite".
[Events and Updates]

27th national seminar of “Tavola della pace”

“Tavola della Pace” organises the 27th national seminar in preparation of the Peace March Perugia-Assisi which will take place on Sunday, May 16. The seminar will be held in Assisi on Friday, ...

Last update 30 Apr 2010

Italy: A legal puzzle, but the civil society has taken the ball, and runs with it

Paolo De Stefani (2009)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 8 Nov 2010