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Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Hammarberg at centre stage, speaking at a conference
[Events and Updates]

The Human Rights Center of the University of Padua to St. Petersburg with the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe meets with regional civic defenders of the Russian Federation

On the occasion of the visit of the Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg to Russia on the 3rd and 4th of September, 2009, a seminar with regional civic defenders of the Russian Federation was carried out ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
[Events and Updates]

Quarterly ‘Pace Diritti Umani Peace and Human Rights’ n. 1/2009

It is available the new edition of the Quarterly (new series) of the Interdepartmental Center on human rights and the Rights of peoples ‘Pace Diritti Umani - Peace Human Rights’ edited ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Children at school: the pupils, all seated on the ground in a common space and divided into groups, are listening to lectures taught by their respective teachers.
[Events and Updates]

The United Nations work towards a Declaration on human rights education and training

On 17 and 17 July 2009 an international experts Seminar on the project of UN Declaration on human rights education and training was held in Marrakech (Morocco). The event, organised by the ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019

Riflessioni in tema di condizione femminile e sicurezza umana (1/2005)

Paola Degani (2005)

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Last update 14 Mar 2024

Profili di human security nel traffico di persone a scopo di sfruttamento sessuale (1/2002)

Paola Degani (2002)

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Last update 14 Mar 2024

An introduction to the universal system of human rights protection (2/2001)

Paolo De Stefani (2001)

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Last update 14 Mar 2024

Nazioni Unite e “genere”: il sistema di protezione internazionale dei diritti umani delle donne (1/2001)

Paola Degani (2001)

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Last update 14 Mar 2024

Gradi di "esigibilità" dei diritti umani internazionalmente riconosciuti (4/2000)

Paolo De Stefani (2000)

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Last update 14 Mar 2024

La Corte speciale per la Sierra Leone (3/2000)

Paolo De Stefani (2000)

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Last update 14 Mar 2024

La normativa penale internazionale per violazione dei diritti umani. Il caso dei crimini contro le donne (1/2000)

Paolo De Stefani (2000)

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Last update 14 Mar 2024

Tascabile n.6 - Codice Internazionale dei diritti umani

AA.VV. (2008)

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Last update 14 Mar 2024

Tascabile n.5 - Diritti umani e pace valori universali

AA.VV. (2007)

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Last update 14 Mar 2024