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two Roma children embraced, "Dosta!" campaign, 2007
[Events and Updates]

Council of Europe: visit of the Advisory Committee of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Italy, 29 June-3 July 2015

A delegation of the Advisory Committee of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of Europe will visit Italy between 29 June and 3 July 2015. The Advisory ...

Last update 6 May 2015
Students and National Civil Service volunteers of the University of Padua at Giardini del Frontone in Perugia, at the opening of the March.
[Events and Updates]

The Volunteering Festival of Lucca adopts the Appeal ‘Every man has the right to live in peace! Every man should have the opportunity to commit to peace!’

The fifth Volunteering Festival of Lucca, the national event of reference for those promoting solidarity in Italy, took place from 16 to 19 April 2015, at the Real Collegio of Lucca (Royal ...

Last update 3 May 2015
blue background, white text, three face's outlines drawing an hand
[Events and Updates]

European Committee of Social Rights: Italian legislation of corporal punishment against children is compatible with the European Social Charter

With the decision adopted on 5 December 2014, published on 15 April 2015, in the case of APPROACH v. Italy (application no. 94/2013) the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) of the Council of ...

Last update 29 Apr 2015
Panoramic photo of the building headquarters of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France.
[Events and Updates]

European Court of Human Rights: two applications against Italy declared inadmissible

With two decisions adopted on 16 April 2015, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) declared inadmissible the cases Viviani v. Italy (application no. 9713/13) and Smaltini v. ...

Last update 22 Apr 2015
Srebrenica, 20 years after the genocide and justice denied, Human Rights Centre, 29 April 2015
[Institutional Contents]

Srebrenica 20 years after the genocide and the denial of justice

Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, Wednesday 29 April 2015, at 16.30 Programme  Paolo De Stefani, Professor of international protection of human rights, degree course in ...

Last update 8 Apr 2016
John Mpaliza is singing "Hakuna Matata" at the end of the seminar "Blood Mobile Phones", 16 April 2015.
[Photo Galleries]

Blood Mobile Phones: a Seminar with John Mpaliza and the NGO Incontro fra i popoli on D.R. Congo, Human Rights Centre, 16 April 2015

You are too much rich for sustainable peace and human development, aren’t you? An afternoon study session with the NGO Incontro fra i popoli on D.R. Congo and with John Mpaliza, a ...

Last update 17 Apr 2015
Panoramic photo of the building headquarters of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France.
[Events and Updates]

European Court of Human Rights: Italy condemned for the violation of the principle of non-retroactivity of criminal law

With the judgment issued on 14 April 2015 in the case Contrada v. Italy n. 3 (application no. 66655/2013), the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) condemned Italy for the violation of ...

Last update 20 Apr 2015
half-circular abstract drawing colored in yellow, blue and red
[Events and Updates]

Galilean School of Higher Education: Announcement for International Students (academic year 2015/16)

The Galilean School of Higher Education has published an announcement about 5 available places for international students (foreigners, not Italian residents) who are highly motivated to start a ...

Last update 15 Apr 2015
Used in cell phones and laptop computers, the 3Ts: tin, tantalum, and tungsten are also sold profitably by armed groups in eastern Congo.
[Institutional Contents]

Blood Mobile Phones

An afternoon study session Thursday 16 April 2015, from 16.30 to 18.00 Library Piergiorgio Cancellieri, Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua Via Martiri della Libertà, 2 ...

Last update 8 Apr 2016
Panoramic photo of the building headquarters of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France.
[Events and Updates]

European Court of Human Rights: Italy condemned for torture for the facts occurred during the G8 summit in Genoa in 2001

With the judgment issued on 7 April 2015 in the case of Cestaro v. Italy (application no. 6884/11), the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) condemned Italy for the violation of both the ...

Last update 13 Apr 2015
In a clearing in the Myinbyin Forest Range, Central Burma, FAO expert J.L. Briggs (right), of Australia, supervises the work as a tractor winches up logs of teak wood and hauls them away to the dispatch point.
[Events and Updates]

The Italian Atlas on Environmental Conflicts is Out

The Documentation Centre on Environmental Conflicts with the collaboration of the association ‘A Sud’ presented the Italian Atlas of Environmental Conflicts, a free website which ...

Last update 8 Apr 2015
Servizio civile nazionale al Centro Diritti Umani dell'Università di Padova
[Events and Updates]

Call 2015/2016 for National Civil Service Volunteers: the projects of the University of Padua and of the Human Rights Centre

The Italian Department of Youth and National Civil Service of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, has published the annual call for the year 2015/2016 to select 29.972 youth between 18 and ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
Students of the Master's Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, A.A. 2014/2015 take a picture with their arms crossed to join the UN global campaign Stop rape now
[Events and Updates]

MA Degree Programme in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance: the students have joined the United Nations Campaign “Stop rape now”

In the context of the course on Women’s human rights held by Ms Luisa Cremonese, the students of the MA Degree Programme in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance of the University of Padua ...

Last update 26 Mar 2019
A young boy plays at the school field of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir University Campus in Muzaffarabad that has now been turned into a make-shift shelter. The University was destroyed during the October 8 earthquake that hit northern Pakistan.
[Events and Updates]

Proposal for internships at the Human Rights Centre for students of the Master degree courses in human rights of the University of Padua

The University Human Rights Centre has launched three internship positions for students of the Master degree courses in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance and Institutions and Policies of Human ...

Last update 6 May 2015
From the left: Léonce Bekemans, Katérina Sténou, Antonio Papisca, Marco Mascia - Conference "Challenges and Opportunities on Human Rights-based Intercultural Competences”, University of Padua, 23 March 2015
[Institutional Contents]

Challenges and Opportunities on Human Rights-based Intercultural Competences

University of Padua, Monday 23 March 2015  PROGRAMME 10.30 – 10.45 hrs Welcome addresses Marco Mascia, Jean Monnet Chair, Director, Human Rights Centre, University of Padua ...

Last update 26 Mar 2019