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[Events and Updates]

Seminar: The contribution of regional Italian Ombudsman institutions to human rights implementation: a European endeavour

A seminar on "The contribution of regional Italian Ombudsman institutions to human rights implementation: a European endeavour" is organised by the Human Rights Centre of Padua University wit the ...

Last update 20 Feb 2014
Migrants boats abandoned on the beach of the island of Lampedusa, the destination of the flows of many migrants from North African States
[Events and Updates]

International Organization for Migration: 10 proposals for a human rights-based approach to migration in Italy

In response to the recent controversy regarding the Centres for Identification and Expulsion (CIE) and the criminal offence of illegal immigration, the International Organization for Migration - IOM ...

Last update 4 Feb 2014
Panoramic photo of the building headquarters of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France.
[Events and Updates]

The European Court of Human Rights condemns Italy for inhuman treatments and violation of the right to private and family life

In two recent judgments published on January 21st, 2014, the European Court of Human Rights condemned the Italian government for failing to comply with its international obligations under the ECHR ...

Last update 2 Feb 2014
Paperback cover of "La difesa civica della Regione del Veneto: un’istituzione per la tutela del cittadino" (the civic defense in the Region of Veneto: an institution for citizen protection), Office of the Ombudsman of the Region of Veneto
[Events and Updates]

Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies: the new Guidelines on unaccompanied foreign Minors

On 19th December 2013, the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies has adopted the new Guidelines on unaccompanied foreign minors, by decree of the General Director of Immigration and ...

Last update 30 Jan 2014
Profile of a student while speaking in a meeting at Wilson Palace, Geneva, Switzerland.
[Events and Updates]

Silk Route Project: scholarships for Central Asian nationals to study at the University of Padua

Funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Programme, the SILKROUTE Project provides international mobility (113 scholarships) from Central Asia to Europe for ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
Zam Zam Refugee camp in Darfur.
[Events and Updates]

Children's rights: study opportunity in Switzerland

The Master of Advanced Studies in Children’s Rights (MCR), a two year post-graduate training programme on children’s rights, organised conjointly by the Institut Universitaire Kurt ...

Last update 18 Jan 2014
[Events and Updates]

EXPO 2015: “Feeding the Planet?” Cycle of seminars and call for papers

In view of the Universal Exposition of Milan, which will take place from May 1st to October 31st 2015 and is devoted to the theme “Feeding the planet, Energy for life”, a group of civil ...

Last update 15 Jan 2014
Seminar in occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
[Events and Updates]

DPI Italy: two events within the project “The Holocaust of All. Battle of the Memory”

In the framework of the project “The Holocaust of All. Battle of the Memory”, whose main objective is to bring to the memory of EU citizens the Nazi extermination of persons with ...

Last update 14 Jan 2014
Front cover of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights / 2010
[Events and Updates]

Annuario italiano dei diritti umani: the edition 2011 and 2012 are available for download

The first and the second editions of the Annuario italiano dei diritti umani (i.e. the original version, in Italian language, of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights) are now available for free ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
Picture of volumes of Review Pace diritti umani - Peace human rights, issued by the Human Rights Centre
[Events and Updates]

Review Peace Human Rights: The essays published in 2011 and in 2012 are available for download

All the essays included in the issues of the review Pace diritti umani – Peace Human Rights published in the years 2011 and 2012 are now available for free dowload in pdf format. They are 38 ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019

The Future for European Society: Subsidiarity, Federalism, New Humanism

Dario Velo (2011)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 9 Jan 2014

L'intensa primavera nucleare di Barack Obama

Alessandro Pascolini (2011)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 9 Jan 2014

Transition to Where? The Long Journey of Algeria

Gianluca Siega Battel (2011)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 9 Jan 2014

L'insegnamento della Chiesa ortodossa russa su dignità, libertà, diritti umani

Kristina Stoeckl (2011)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 9 Jan 2014