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protester hold sign saying "end systemic racism"
[Events and Updates]

FRA: new report “Being Black in the EU - Experiences of People of African Descent”

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights published a new report, entitled “Being Black in the EU - Experiences of People of African Descent”. The report, whose main aim is to ...

Last update 29 Nov 2023
World's children day
[Events and Updates]

Global Campus of Human Rights: World Children's Day 2023, in memoriam of Gino Strada

On the occasion of World Children's Day, celebrated on November 20, 2023, the Global Campus of Human Rights is promoting a campaign in memoriam of Gino Strada. Gino Strada, co-founder of Emrgency, ...

Last update 24 Nov 2023
[Events and Updates]

Fossil Fuel Production Will Double in 2030, says UNEP

A new report from the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) proclaimed that although 151 national governments have pledged to achieve net-zero emissions, they are actually contributing to a doubling of ...

Last update 24 Nov 2023
The Security Council adopts resolution 2712 (2023) calling for urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip for a sufficient number of days to enable, consistent with international humanitarian law, the full, rapid, safe
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: Resolution 2712 (2023) adopted by the Security Council at its 9479th meeting, on 15 November 2023

The Security Council has recently adopted the Resolution 2712, which highlights the deep concern of the Security Council regarding the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and its serious impact ...

Last update 24 Nov 2023
[Events and Updates]

FRA: Children who fled Ukraine face rights challenges in the EU

The EU Fundamental Rights Agency's (FRA) latest bulletin focuses on the impact of the massive displacement caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine, particularly on the 1.3 million children ...

Last update 9 Nov 2023
[Events and Updates]

Global Campus of Human Rights: Venice School for Human Rights Defenders 2024

The Venice School for Human Rights Defenders will take place in Venice, at the Global Campus of Human Rights Headquarters, from 9 to 16 March 2024. The training programme is organized by the Global ...

Last update 24 Nov 2023
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[Institutional Contents]

Ph.D Students and graduates

39° CYCLE PhD STUDENTS Elisa Gamba Promoting the integration of humanitarian migrants in the higher education system: overcoming the challenges of inclusion International students ...

Last update 7 Nov 2023
[Events and Updates]

Trans Media Guide: A Community-informed, inclusive guide for journalists, editors & content creators by TGEU (Transgender Europe)

TGEU (Transgender Europe), a trans-led non-profit for the rights and wellbeing of trans people representing 215 member organizations across 50 countries in Central Asia and Europe, has recently ...

Last update 9 Nov 2023
Rohingya refugees walk across the Balukhali settlement in Bangladesh's Cox Bazar district.
[Events and Updates]

The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) concerned for the more than 114 million people displaced by war

The multiple wars going on worldwide, such as in Ukraine, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Myanmar, as well as crises of different nature in Somalia and Afghanistan, are causing concern ...

Last update 9 Nov 2023
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[Institutional Contents]

From 2020 to 2021

Last update 30 Oct 2023
Children will too often fall victim to the hunger and poverty of underdevelopment. This is especially true for indigenous children who live in rural areas in Latin American countries, isolated from other national communities.  Many United Nations programm
[Events and Updates]

ILO: Indigenous children at high risk of being in child labour

A recent analysis by the International Labour Organization (ILO) has shed light on the connection between child labour and the exclusion of indigenous children from education, highlighting the ...

Last update 1 Nov 2023
 African child holds desert's sand in his hands. A village in the background.
[Events and Updates]

UNICEF: new report on the effects of climate change on children in Africa

A new UNICEF report entitled “Time to act: African Children in the Climate Change Spotlight” found that children living in Africa are more impacted by climate change’s risks and ...

Last update 1 Nov 2023
Even before we are born, we are surrounded by water. During that time our bodies are mainly composed of water and our planet earth is primarily made of water.
As an artist there is only one conclusion: „We all swim in the same waters“. Despite the fact t
[Institutional Contents]

Programme of the Conference

Monday 13 November 2023 Archivio Antico, Palazzo Bo, University of Padova 9:30 - 10:00 Salutation and Short Introduction Monica Fedeli, Vice-Rector for Third Mission and Relations with the ...

Last update 16 Nov 2023
Image: two children play with yellow tanks in Gaza (photo taken from the Red Cross (ICRC) Report "GAZA 1.5 million people trapped in despair").
[Events and Updates]

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese (2023)

INTRODUCTION 1. In her 2023 report to the Human Rights Council, the Special Rapporteur exposed how Israel has turned the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) into an open-air prison, where ...

Last update 8 Nov 2023
Drawing of activists from la Via Campesina, holding up their flag

Rethinking the right to food: how the Food Sovereignty Movement (Via Campesina) challenges the human rights system

Valeria Faraoni is a recent graduate from the master’s degree in Human Rights and Multilevel Governance. This In Focus article is an excerpt from her master thesis discussed in October 2022 ...

Last update 26 Mar 2024