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[Institutional Contents]

Prezantimi i Qendrës për të Drejtat e Njeriut (Albanian)

Qendra e të Drejtave të Njeriut në Universitetin e Padovës. E themeluar në vitin 1982, Qendra është përgjigja e parë strukturore e universiteteve ...

Last update 9 Nov 2012

È superato lo scisma transatlantico? Barack Obama e Herman Van Rompuy per una politica internazionale educata

Antonio Papisca (2010)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 8 Nov 2012
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[Institutional Contents]

Presentazione del Centro diritti umani (Italian)

Il Centro diritti umani dell’Università degli Studi di Padova Istituito nel 1982, il Centro è la prima risposta strutturale dell'Università Italiana alla Dichiarazione ...

Last update 4 Jun 2013
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[Institutional Contents]

Prezentacja Centrum Praw Człowieka (Polish)

Centrum Praw Człowieka Uniwersytetu w Padwie. Utworzone w 1982 roku, Centrum stało się pierwszą wśród włoskich uczelni strukturalną odpowiedzią na Powszechną Deklarację Praw ...

Last update 8 Nov 2012
Group picture of the participants to the CIMIC Training Module, 2010
[Events and Updates]

CIMIC Training Module for students of the Master's degree in Institutions and policies of human rights and peace of the University of Padua

From Wednesday 7 to Friday 9 November 2012, a CIMIC (Civil-Military Cooperation) training module is being held for 27 students enrolled in the second year of the Master's Degree in Institutions and ...

Last update 7 Nov 2012

Salute globale e Medicina di Comunità in Italia

Bruno Paccagnella (2010)

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Last update 6 Nov 2012

European Public Sphere and Citizens’ Participation

Luciano Morganti (2010)

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Last update 6 Nov 2012

The Adriatic Euroregion, Strategic Institution-building

Diego Vecchiato (2010)

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Last update 6 Nov 2012

Territorial Cooperation: Overview and Assessment of EGTCs

Hannes Schaffer (2010)

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Last update 6 Nov 2012

The Committee of the Region’s White Paper on Multilevel Governance: Perspectives for a Partnership-based European Union 2020-2030

Luc Van den Brande, Hendrik Theunissen (2010)

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Last update 6 Nov 2012

Education to Intercultural Dialogue

Enrique Banús (2010)

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Last update 6 Nov 2012

Civil Society Participation in Intercultural Dialogue

Manuel Manonelles (2010)

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Last update 6 Nov 2012