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Poverty and Child Rights in Albania: Measuring Child Poverty and Social Exclusion

Suela Kusi (2009)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 9 Jan 2012

Per la centralità dell’infanzia

Arnoldo Farina (2009)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 9 Jan 2012

Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights, 1/2011

AA.VV. (2011)

Rivista "Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights"

Last update 9 Jan 2012
Vaclav Havel(centre) comments on the situation in North Korea at the UN Headquarters, 16 November 2006
[Events and Updates]

The passing of Vaclav Havel, leader of Charta 77

The Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua joins the global people of the human rights defenders in paying tribute to Vaclav Havel, the far-seeing and passionate leader of the dissident ...

Last update 20 Dec 2011
Symbol of the Region of Veneto
[Events and Updates]

Region of Veneto: Focus on gender policies and delivery of the annual Prize “Veneto per la Pace e la Solidarietà tra i popoli”. Venice, December 12th 2011

The Region of Veneto, Department for Human Rights and Gender Policies, organizes on Monday 12 December 2011 from 3 p.m., the Annual Focus 2011 on the topic of Gender Policies. The initiative, ...

Last update 15 Dec 2011
[Events and Updates]

Conference with Vesna Petrović, Director of the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, at the University of Padua, December 7th 2011

On Wednesday 7th December 2011, from 8.30 to 10.30 in room B2 in via del Santo 22, a meeting with Vesna Petrović, Director of the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, will be held on the topic ...

Last update 15 Dec 2011
[Events and Updates]

Padua: 2011 edition of “Diritti + Umani”

The theme of the 2011 edition of “Diritti + Umani” is human security on the perspective of intercultural dialogue and environmental sustainability. The main objective is to disseminate ...

Last update 15 Dec 2011
Logo EUROMED for the initiatives promoted in the framework of the Barcelona Process in the Euromediterranean Region
[Events and Updates]

Anna Lindh Foundation: Meeting of the High Level Advisory Group for a Renewed Strategy of Intercultural Dialogue in the Emerging Mediterranean. Brussels 22 November 2011

On the 22nd November the Anna Lindh Foundation is organising the Meeting of the High Level Advisory Group for a Renewed Strategy of Intercultural Dialogue in the Emerging Mediterranean at the ...

Last update 21 Nov 2011
Frame excerpt from the video “Nel segno dei diritti”, created by Class IV D2 of the Institute of Higher Education “L. Da Vinci” of Arzignano (VI), A.s. 2008/2009. Video winner for the 10 year-old Contest, of Regional Law of the Veneto n. 55/1999.
[Events and Updates]

Seminar on Rights and citizenship, the Ombudsman's action

The Italian national Ombudsman coordination, together with the Office of the Regional Ombudsman of Emilia Romagna and with the Italian Ombudsman Institute, organises an international workshop on ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
[Photo Galleries]

Workshop "Cultural and Value Roots for intercultural dialogue in a European context"( 25-26 October 2011)

In the framework of its thematic network activities on capacity building and curriculum development in the area of intercultural dialogue and multi-level governance the Jean Monnet Centre of ...

Last update 11 Nov 2011
Sculpture made of small caliber weapons, used as raw material to educative laboratories for trainee blacksmiths, from the exposition "To Be Deter-mined/At Arms Length", promoted by the Cambodian government in cooperation with the European Union (1998).
[Events and Updates]

Science for Peace: Third World Conference. Milan, 18-19 November 2011

The third World Conference of Science for Peace will be held on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 November 2011, at the Aula Magna of the Bocconi University, Milan. Science for Peace is a project launched ...

Last update 11 Nov 2011