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Displaced Syrian women and children at al-Hol

Citizenship Revocation as Punishment and the Abandoned Women and Children of IS

Rachel Aylward holds a master’s degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance from the University of Padova. This In Focus article is an excerpt from her master thesis discussed ...

Last update 26 Mar 2024
[Events and Updates]

Italian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security Agenda, 2020 - 2024

The Interministerial Committee for Human Rights (CIDU) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy approved the IV National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security ...

Last update 7 Jan 2021
Artificial intelligence and big data
[Events and Updates]

FRA report: Getting the future right – Artificial intelligence and fundamental rights

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) recently published a new report on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on fundamental rights. The report is a part of FRA’s project on ...

Last update 7 Jan 2021
[Events and Updates]

FRA published the Handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration

One day before the International Migrant Day, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights published the third edition of the Handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and ...

Last update 7 Jan 2021
Logo ILO - Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro
[Events and Updates]

ILO Global Wage Report 2020-21

Contextually to the pandemic, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has published the report "Wages and minimum wages in the time of COVID-19", which presents an analysis of the global ...

Last update 28 Dec 2020
Logo of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, established in 2007.
[Events and Updates]

FRA’s LGBTI survey dataset now available

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has published a dataset from its lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) survey. The dataset contains information from nearly 140,000 ...

Last update 28 Dec 2020
[Events and Updates]

“Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!” - 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence

The UNiTE by 2030 to End Violence against Women campaign marked the 16 Days of Activism - 25 November to 10 December 2020 under the global theme “Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, ...

Last update 28 Dec 2020
HRDAP 2021
[Events and Updates]

ISHR's 2021 training for human rights defenders: call for applications

The International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) is calling for applications for its Human Rights Defender Advocacy Programme (HRDAP), which is aimed at training human rights defenders to integrate ...

Last update 7 Jan 2021
22nd EU NGO Human Rights Forum - The Impact of New Technologies on Human Rights
[Events and Updates]

22nd EU NGO Human Rights Forum - The Impact of New Technologies on Human Rights

On the 9th-10th of December 2020, the European Commission and the Human Rights and Democracy Network (EEAS) held the 22nd EU-NGO Human Rights Forum, which provided a platform for EU officials, human ...

Last update 7 Jan 2021
The Largest Refugee Camp in Greece

Little Lives on Hold: The Impact of EU Securitisation Policy Tools on Unaccompanied Children’s Rights at the Greek-Turkish Border

Alessandra Boraso holds a master’s degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance from the University of Padova. This In Focus article is an excerpt from her master thesis ...

Last update 26 Mar 2024
[Events and Updates]

UNESCO and OHCHR Partnership to reinforce freedom of expression: 2020 World Press Freedom Conference

During the 2020 World Press Freedom Conference, co-organised by UNESCO and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on 9 and 10 December, the Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok announced an endowment of seven ...

Last update 7 Jan 2021
Venice Acqua Alta: The gondolas and the island of San Giorgio
[Events and Updates]

University of Padova: Call for applications - Project "Rethinking climate risk: the Venice paradigm". Deadline: 18 December 2020

The University of Padua, within the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 2, European Universities, ‘Arqus – European University Alliance’, announces a call for mobility to ...

Last update 15 Dec 2020
Global Campus of Human Rights 2020
[Events and Updates]

Global Campus of Human Rights: call for applications for European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation 2021/2022

Global Campus of Human Rights launches a call for applications for the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (EMA) for the academic year 2021/2022. EMA is a ...

Last update 17 Dec 2020
Global Migration Film Festival 2020
[Events and Updates]

Global Migration Film Festival 2020

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched the 5th Global Migration Film Festival (GMFF), lasting from the 30th of November to the 18th of December. This year five films are ...

Last update 15 Dec 2020
FRA. Report on  migration 2020
[Events and Updates]

European Union: report on "Migration: fundamental rights issues at land borders"

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) recently issued a new report entitled “Migration: Fundamental rights issues at land borders”. The report has been produced at the ...

Last update 15 Dec 2020