Complete list of events and updates


Servizio civile con l'Università di Padova, 2017

Call for National Civil Service Volunteers: Human Rights Centre offers a project for 4 volunteers "Our Rights, Our Responsibilities"

The University of Padova Human Rights Centre has launched the new National Civil Service project called “Our rights, our responsibilities"...

Last update 7/6/2017
Black and white photo - an adult and child's hands holding a small house made of cardboard

Human Rights Centre: Seminar with Prof. Jessica Whyte "A Right to a Standard of Living: Social and Economic Rights and...

On Wednesday 14th June, 2017, the University of Padova Human Rights Centre will host a seminar with Professor Jessica Whyte...

Last update 6/6/2017
blue background, white text, three face's outlines drawing an hand

European Committee of Social Rights: four collective complaints against Italy presented

Between February and March 2017, four collective complaints against Italy were made to the European Committee of Social Rights.  Three...

Last update 17/5/2017
Close up of Nils Muižnieks, new Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, 2012

Council of Europe: Commissioner calls on Italy not to weaken the protection of children’s rights in the justice system

In a letter addressed to the President of the Italian Senate published on 17 May 2017, the Commissioner for Human...

Last update 25/5/2017
Firma del Memorandum of Understanding tra il Centro di Ateneo per i Diritti Umani e l’Istituto per i Diritti Umani dell’Università di Guangzhou (Cina), 10 maggio 2017, Palazzo del Bo, Università di Padova.

University of Padova: signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Padova Human Rights Centre and the Guangzhou University Institute...

On Wednesday 10th May, 2017, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Prof. Songcai Yang, Director of the Guangzhou University...

Last update 12/5/2017
Photo Group, students and professor

Human Rights Centre: seminar "Human rights in Nepal" with Bharat Singh Thapa, Thursday 25 May 2017

Human rights in Nepal Seminar withBharat Singh ThapaAssistant Professor, Tribhuvan University and Apex College, Kathmandu, Nepal.Thursday 25 May 2017 |...

Last update 23/5/2017
Eiuc Logo

EIUC/Manfred Nowak's message in memory of Prof. Papisca

We announce with great sadness the loss of our beloved founder, Prof. Antonio Papisca, who envisioned the European Master’s of Human...

Last update 20/5/2017
House of Representatives

Italian Chamber of Deputies: Law approved for the protection of unaccompanied foreign minors

On the 29th March, 2017 the draft bill C 1659-B for the “regulation regarding the protection of unaccompanied foreign minors”...

Last update 29/4/2017
Human Rights Centre Library

Human Rights Centre: 9th and 10th May - seminars with Dr. Corinne Lennox and Dr. Damien Short (University of...

On the 9th and 10th May, 2017, the University of Padova Human Rights Centre will play host to two seminars from the...

Last update 28/4/2017
Logo of Italian network - in difesa di - for the human rights of Human Rights Defenders

In Difesa Di: Launch of the Human Rights Defenders Network in Italy

The network "In Difesa Di – per i diritti umani e chi li difende" (In defense of - for human...

Last update 18/4/2017

United Nations: concluding observations by the Human Rights Committee on the situation in Italy

The Human Rights Committee of the United Nations, at the end of the 3364th meeting held on the 23rd March...

Last update 18/4/2017
The circular-shaped hall in which the United Nations General Assembly gathers.

United Nations General Assembly: Application for special accreditation to preparatory process for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular...

In accordance with United Nations General Assembly resolution 71/1, the "New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants," a preparatory process...

Last update 7/4/2017
United Nations Geneva

Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Statement released on Human Rights Defenders and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

A statement on Human Rights Defenders and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights was released by the Committee on Economic, Social...

Last update 5/4/2017

University of Padova: Conference "European Union and Fundamental Rights in times of Austerity", April 6-7, 2017

In the afternoon of Thursday 6th April and the morning of Friday 7th Aprilthe conference "European Union and Fundamental Rights...

Last update 5/4/2017
Asia Centre logo in orange and black, with written underneath "connecting peoples and regions"

International Conference on National Human Rights Institutions in Southeast Asia: Call for Abstracts

The International Conference on National Human Rights Institutions in Southeast Asia: Challenges of Protection, in programme for the 13th-14th July...

Last update 21/3/2017