Call for National Civil Service Volunteers: Human Rights Centre offers a project for 4 volunteers "Our Rights, Our Responsibilities"
The University of Padova Human Rights Centre has launched the new National Civil Service project called “Our rights, our responsibilities" (I nostri diritti, le nostre responsabilità). There are 4 places avaliable for young people aged between 18 and 28.
The project aims at promoting the international recognition of the human right to peace and plural and inclusive citizenship, in collaboration with schools, univerisities, civil society organizations and local authorities.
The volunteers will be involved in several activities:
- development of communication tools for the diffusion of the materials produced by the Human Rights Centre
- writing and publishing contents for the website, in Italian and in English
- Monitoring the regional and national legislation about peace, human rights, decentralized cooperation and international solidarity and promote opportunities that are offer to young people (job announcements, internships)
- management of social media, communication strategies, multimedia (photos, interviews, audios, etc.)
- Supporting and working with the "Human Rights Experts" Network, an informal group of graduates and experts in Human Rights
- development of a global map of University Research Centres for Human Rights in order to foster study and professional exchanges for professors, students and graduates.
- Collaboration in the promotion and organisation of conferences, study seminars and post-graduation course
The project is part of the 2017 Call published by the Italian Department for Youth and National Civil Service, Regions and Autonomous Provinces (Dipartimento della Gioventù e del Servizio Civile Nazionale, delle Regioni e Province autonome) for the selection of a total of 48,040 young people for projects in Italy and abroad.
The University of Padova offers 14 projects for volunteers to apply to.
The call is open also to all foreign citizens in possession of a regular residence permit at the moment of applying.
The application must be submitted not later than 26th June 2017,
For further information please visit the website of the University of Padova - Servizio civile, following the link in the box below.