Complete list of events and updates


A crowd of demonstrators protest against the atmosphere of lawlessness in Tripoli, 2011

Association Rondine: International Symposium "A sea between two sides, a bridge between two worlds", Rondine, 5-6 July 2012

Association "Rondine Cittadella della Pace" has organised, the 5th and 6th of July 2012, the International Symposium titled "A sea...

Last update 16/7/2012
From left: Gianni Magazzeni, OHCHR; Marco Mascia, Director of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua; ; Navanethem Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights; Antonio Papisca, Director of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights

The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights presented at the United Nations in Geneva

On June 26 2012, with the participation of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay, the Italian Yearbook...

Last update 28/6/2012
The sun shines in a blue sky surrounded by white clouds; at the bottom, the silhouette of some trees with red leaves.

European Union: Sustainable Energy Week. 18-22 June 2012

Between 18 and 22 June 2012 all Europe celebrates the Sustainable Energy Week, one of the main initiatives promoted in...

Last update 27/6/2012
Doves, symbols of peace, are freed near the shrine of Hazrat Ali in the city of Mazar Sharif, Afghanistan, on the International Day of Peace.

Conference “Education for Development and Peace”, Pavia, 21 June 2012

The University of Pavia, in partnership with Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, the Institute for Advanced Studies of Pavia and...

Last update 19/6/2012
Children running on the playground

Coucil of Europe: Deputy Secretary General Maud De Boer visits the new prison for mothers with children

On Friday 15 June 2012, Maud De Boer, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, visited the women's prison...

Last update 18/6/2012
From the left: Marco Mascia, Director of the Human Rights Centre, Burgi Volgger, President of the EOI, Josef Siegele, Secretary General of the EOI.

University of Padua: signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the European Ombudsman Institute and the Italian Ombudsman Institute

On Monday, June 11th, at 12 a.m, at the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, Burgi Volgger and...

Last update 14/6/2012
Panoramic photo of the building headquarters of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France.

European Court of Human Rights: disenfranchisement of convicted prisoners provided for under Italian law does not violate the ECHR

With the Grand Chamber judgment of 22 May 2012 in the case Scoppola v. Italy (3), which is final, the...

Last update 12/6/2012
Session of the Human Rights Council, Geneva 2011.

Study-trip to Geneva for the students of the University of Padua and of the European Master in Human Rights and...

From 13 to 17 May 2012, a group of 25 students of the Master's Degree in Institutions and policies of...

Last update 28/5/2012
Striking image of the beautiful landscape of the Australian Dinosaur Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Conference “Green Economy: policies, actors and opportunities for a sustainable future”, Padua, 5 May 2012

The Italian Coordination of Local Agenda 21 and the Lanza Foundation of Padua promote, within the initiatives of the Green...

Last update 3/5/2012
Logo of the EIUC, with orange figures on the left and "EIUC" written in blue on the left.

EIUC: Venice Academy of Human Rights. Venice, 9-18 July 2012

The new edition of the Venice Academy of Human Rights, organised by the European Inter-Univestity Centre for Human Rights and...

Last update 23/4/2012

Twenty years after the passing of Father Ernesto Balducci

On April 25, 1992 Father Ernesto Balducci, great pacifist and theoretician of the global citizenship and the institutional path to...

Last update 23/4/2012
Workshop "Education to intercultural dialogue", University of Padua, 22-23 March 2011Workshop "Education to intercultural dialogue", University of Padua, 22-23 March 2011

Luiss School of Government: Summer School “Parliamentary Democracy in Europe”, Rome, 16-20 July 2012

The LUISS School of Government, in cooperation with Nova Universitas, organises an intensive summer course “Parliamentary Democracy in Europe”, on the topic:...

Last update 10/4/2012
Official logo of the European Master in human rights and democratization (

Call for applications for the European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation (2012/2013) - New deadline for application -...

Due to the numerous requests for extension, the deadline for applications to the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights...

Last update 6/3/2012
Thousands of people with packanges and bags try to leave Libya at the Tunisian border

The European Court of Human Rights condemns Italy for its push-back policy to Libya in 2009

The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights ruled, in the case Hirsi Jamaa and Others v. Italy...

Last update 27/2/2012
Fabio Perocco, professor of Sociology of migrations and intercultural relations, Officer of Laboratorio Immigrazione (Immigration lab) of Ca' Foscari University of Venice, addresses to ECRI commission

Council of Europe: ECRI publishes its 4th report on Italy

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance of the Council of Europe (ECRI) published on 21 February 2012, a new...

Last update 21/2/2012