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Contents tagged with key-word:   Human Rights

[Events and Updates]

Henry Dunant University College - XVIII Summer University for Human Rights

The Henry Dunant University College, in partnership with the UNESCO Chair on Democratic citizenship and cultural freedom of the University of La Rioja (Spain) organises the eighteenth edition of the ...

Last update 12 Feb 2012

The Title 8 Project

Antoine Meyer (2011)

Altre pubblicazioni

Last update 14 Mar 2024
Close up of Nils Muižnieks, new Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, 2012
[Events and Updates]

Council of Europe: Nils Muižnieks is the new Commissioner for Human Rights

On 24 January 2012, Nils Muižnieks (Latvia) was elected third Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights by the Organisation’s Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) at its plenary session in ...

Last update 25 Jan 2012

Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights, 2/2011

AA.VV. (2011)

Rivista "Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights"

Last update 31 Jan 2012
Symbol of the Region of Veneto
[Events and Updates]

Region of Veneto: Focus on gender policies and delivery of the annual Prize “Veneto per la Pace e la Solidarietà tra i popoli”. Venice, December 12th 2011

The Region of Veneto, Department for Human Rights and Gender Policies, organizes on Monday 12 December 2011 from 3 p.m., the Annual Focus 2011 on the topic of Gender Policies. The initiative, ...

Last update 15 Dec 2011
[Events and Updates]

Padua: 2011 edition of “Diritti + Umani”

The theme of the 2011 edition of “Diritti + Umani” is human security on the perspective of intercultural dialogue and environmental sustainability. The main objective is to disseminate ...

Last update 15 Dec 2011
Frame excerpt from the video “Nel segno dei diritti”, created by Class IV D2 of the Institute of Higher Education “L. Da Vinci” of Arzignano (VI), A.s. 2008/2009. Video winner for the 10 year-old Contest, of Regional Law of the Veneto n. 55/1999.
[Events and Updates]

Seminar on Rights and citizenship, the Ombudsman's action

The Italian national Ombudsman coordination, together with the Office of the Regional Ombudsman of Emilia Romagna and with the Italian Ombudsman Institute, organises an international workshop on ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Logo EUROMED for the initiatives promoted in the framework of the Barcelona Process in the Euromediterranean Region
[Events and Updates]

The Human Rights Centre at the first Euromediterranean Education Convention. Alexandria (Egypt), 30-31 October 2011

The Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) and the Swedish Institute have organised on 30 and 31 October 2011 in Alexandria (Egypt) the first edition of the Alexandria Annual Education Convention on the theme ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019

Sport, unione europea e diritti umani

Jacopo Tognon, Antonella Stelitano (2011)

I Quaderni del Centro diritti umani

Last update 13 Oct 2011
The sun shines in a blue sky surrounded by white clouds; at the bottom, the silhouette of some trees with red leaves.

Defining sustainability

The common shared definition of sustainable development was given by the Brundtland Report in 1987 where sustainable development is defined as the "development that meets the needs of the present ...

Last update 26 Oct 2011
The logo representing the network of fairtrade associations of the Region of Veneto
[Events and Updates]

The Difference in the daily choice. Human rights and fair trade: the case of Palestine. Padua, 14 October 2011

The Conference The Difference in the daily choice. Human rights and fair trade: the case of Palestine has the goal of analysing the relation linking fair trade with human rights in the Palestinian ...

Last update 13 Oct 2011
[Institutional Contents]

Conclusive meeting of the second High Education Training Course for Experts in Civic Education, Human Rights, Citizenship, Constitution

University of Padua, Human Rights Centre, Via Martiri della Libertà 2, Wednesday 4 May 2011, 3 to 5 p.m. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019

Annuario italiano dei diritti umani

AA.VV. (2011)


Last update 16 Jul 2018

Pace Diritti Umani Agenda Politica

Marco Mascia, Antonio Papisca (2011)

I Quaderni del Centro diritti umani

Last update 26 Feb 2019
Sudanese youth with colored jerseys play soccer, spreading information through sports about the return of refugees to their places of origin - Sudan.
[Events and Updates]

University of Padua: beginning of the fourth course on Sport and human rights in the European Union's law - 10 October 2011

The course on Sport and human rights in the European Union's law organised by the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Padua, in the framework of the Jean Monnet Programme of the ...

Last update 19 Sep 2011