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The logo representing the network of fairtrade associations of the Region of Veneto

The Difference in the daily choice. Human rights and fair trade: the case of Palestine. Padua, 14 October 2011

The Conference The Difference in the daily choice. Human rights and fair trade: the case of Palestine has the goal of analysing the relation linking fair trade with human rights in the Palestinian territories.

The event is open to students and the academic staff of the University of Padua, local institutions, workers and volunteers operating in fair trade projects as well as to everyone who is interested in fair trade, human rights and in the situation in the Palestinian territories.

It is held on Friday October 14, 2011, at 3 p.m. at the Human Rights Centre, in Via Martiri della Libertà 2, Padua

The working language is Italian.


I Diritti umani in relazione al Commercio equo e solidale, studio paese sulla Palestina
(Human rights and fair trade, a country study of Palestine)
by Claudia Pividori, Ph. D. candidate, collaborator of the Human Rights Centre

Impatto del Commercio equo e solidale in Palestina, il progetto PARC
(The impact of fair trade in Palestine, the PARC project)
by Giorgio Dal Fiume, responsible for education of the Consortium "Altromercato", member of AGICES' steering committee.

La differenza nella scelta quotidiana ... nel viaggio! Una testimonianza sul turismo responsabile in Palestina
(The difference in the daily choice... in travelling! A testimony on responsible tourism in Palestine)
by Paola Peretti, Director of the cooperative "ViaggieMiraggi"

Moderator: Pietro de Perini, Ph. D. candiate, collaborator of the Human Rights Centre, specialised in joint membership Israeli-Palestinian civil society' dialogue activities.

The conference is organised in the framework of the initiatives provided for in Veneto regional law no. 6/2010 and is promoted by the network Veneto Equo in cooperation with the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua.

The initiatives is part of the VI Day of International Cooperation, "Una Terra per tutti" (A land for all), organised by the international cooperation Department of the Municipality of Padua and is dedicated to the theme of food sovereignity.