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Contents tagged with key-word:   Human Rights

Panoramic view of the Police Head Quarters in Padua
[Institutional Contents]

Cycle of seminars on the theme "Urban Security and Human Rights"

The cycle of seminars has been promoted by the Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Right of Peoples of the University of Padua and by the police headquarters of Padua in the context of ...

Last update 29 Jun 2012
Human Rights centre, Citizenship and the Constitution in light of the Right to Human Rights Education, Padua, 7 June 2010
[Institutional Contents]

Citizenship and Constitution in the light of the right to human rights education

 “Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote ...

Last update 27 Jun 2012
American interns Kathleen Kruckenberg (on the left) and Talin Galoosian (on the right)

U.S. Platforms on International Treaties Legal Instruments (2009)

On October 24th 1945, the United Nations officially came into existence with the United States as a major signatory to the charter. Two years later, the United States Mission was created by the U.N. ...

Last update 13 Jul 2010
logo UniPD

USA: Main University Research Centres for Peace and Human Rights (2007)

A census has been conducted on 37 research centres and has collected, for each of them, general information (the name of the structure, year of establishment, address, email, web site) and data ...

Last update 8 Jul 2010
Logo del progetto AGIRE coordinato da Save the Children Italia ONLUS e ospitato dal Centro Diritti Umani dell'Università di Padova (2010)
[Events and Updates]

AGIRE. Austria, Greece, Italy and Romania. Acting to implement partnership between public and private subjects for the identification and the support of children which are victims or at risk of trafficking in Europe.

The Human Right Centre, in the framework of the Project AGIRE, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by Save the Children Italy ONLUS, has hosted an educational seminar on the ...

Last update 24 Sep 2010
Khavaran Cemetery, where thousands of political prisoners were buried in mass graves
[Events and Updates]

University of Padua: meeting with Peyvand Mansura, representative of International Tribunal for Iran

University of Padua will host, on 26 and 27 may, Peyvand Mansura, Iranian journalist for Pars agency during the Shah regime, and political prisoner for ten years under the Khomeinist period. The ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Khavaran Cemetery, where thousands of political prisoners were buried in mass graves
[Institutional Contents]

Meeting with Peyvand Mansura, co-founder of International Tribunal for Iran

Meeting with Peyvand Mansura, co-founder of International Tribunal for Iran. Wednesday 26 may 2010 Islam and human rights in Iran 9h00 – 10h30, B1 room, Ca' Borin, Faculty of Political ...

Last update 27 Jun 2012
Nonviolent Peaceforce
[Institutional Contents]

Seminar "Civil peacekeeping. The peace activity of Nonviolent Peaceforce"

On monday the 24th of may 2010, at 15.00-17.00 in the Human Rights Centre's Library “P. Cancellieri”, Via Martiri della Libertà 2- Padova, there will be a Seminar on "Civil ...

Last update 27 Jun 2012
Wide view of Hall XX, where the Human Rights Council gathers, Palace of Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010.
[Events and Updates]

The study trip to the UN headquarters in Geneva, for University of Padua students of the Master's degree in "Institutions and politics of human rights and of peace", is finally concluded

The study trip to the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, of students of the Master's Degree in Institutions and policies of human rights and of peace of the University of Padua, organized by the ...

Last update 21 May 2010
Photo on the subject of violence against women in East Timor. Black and white image of the faded silhouette and hand of a woman.
[Events and Updates]

“Social protection, territory and human rights. Which future for multi-agency operative models regarding counter-trafficking”, Venice, 21 may 2010.

On 21 may 2010, at Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista in Venice, will take place the Conference “Protezione Sociale, Territorio e Diritti umani. Quali prospettive per la costruzione di ...

Last update 24 May 2010

Penso che andrò a leggermi la Convenzione

Valerio Belotti (2010)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 5 Aug 2010
External view of the Palace of Nations in Geneva. A globe stands in front of the Palace, the work of sculptor Paul Manship, a metal sphere, the inside of which contains figures representing the zodiac weaved with one another.
[Institutional Contents]

Study trip to Geneva of post-graduate students on human rights of the University of Padua (9 - 13 May 2010)

From 9 to 13 May, a group of around 30 students of the Post-graduate Course in Institutions and Policies of Human Rights and Peace of the University of Padua, along with four students of the ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Students of the European Master in Human Rights and Democratization board a bus during a study trip in Bosnia Herzogovina (Sarajevo, 1998).
[Institutional Contents]

European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation: the First Six Years (1997 / 2003)

by Antonio Papisca, E.MA Programme Director, 1997-2003 (These excerpts are taken from the book "European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation. Six years of E.MA activities and ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Insignia of Italian Republic
[Institutional Contents]

Public meeting on the Italian Parliament's Prospects of Ratification and Implementation of the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture (OPCAT)

The working languages of the public meeting were English and Italian.  Information and attachments about this event are available in both English and Italian in the Italian version of the ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019