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International Conference “Data-driven human rights research”, University of Padova, 9-10 November 2020
[Institutional Contents]

Scientific Committee

Paola Degani, Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies, University of Padova Pietro de Perini, Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies, University of ...

Last update 4 Aug 2020
International Conference “Data-driven human rights research”, University of Padova, 9-10 November 2020
[Institutional Contents]

Call for papers

International Conference “Data-driven human rights research” University of Padova | 9-10 November 2020 Within the Conference's challenging conceptual and empirical framework, the Human ...

Last update 25 Aug 2020
International Conference “Data-driven human rights research”, University of Padova, 9-10 November 2020
[Institutional Contents]

Data-driven human rights research

University of Padova, 9-10 November 2020 (online Webinar on Zoom) The Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca”, the UNESCO Chair "Human Rights, Democracy and ...

Last update 22 Jul 2021
Cover Peace Human Rights Governance Journal PHRG - 2017
[Events and Updates]

PHRG - Peace Human Rights Governance: the July issue is out

The second issue of 2020 of the University of Padova Human Rights Centre's scientific journal, Peace Human Rights Governance (PHRG), has just been released (PHRG 4(2), July 2020). The issue ...

Last update 22 Jul 2020
Padova Model UPR - Logo
[Events and Updates]

Padova Model UPR 2020 -- Call for application

The Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca”, along with the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies of the University of Padova, is excited to announce the Third ...

Last update 30 Jun 2020
MA  in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, Study Trip to the International Organizations in Geneva A.Y. 2018/2019
[Institutional Contents]

Armed conflicts and Red Cross (A.Y. 2016/2017)

The third annual workshop on Humanitarian Law and Red Cross is organised by the MA in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance and the Italian Red Cross Committee of Regione Veneto. It is aimed at ...

Last update 25 Jun 2020
Whats new in Human Rights Doctoral Research, vol. III cover
[Institutional Contents]

Volume III, 2019

Edited by Pietro de Perini and Paolo De Stefani This book collects five state-of-the-art analyses prepared by doctoral students enrolled in the international joint doctoral programme in ...

Last update 28 Apr 2021
Logo Padova Model UPR
[Institutional Contents]

Padova model UPR, 3° edition, 24-27 November 2020

The Padova Model UPR is an academic simulation of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a unique United Nations (UN) mechanism which reviews of the human rights records of all UN Member ...

Last update 28 Apr 2021
Cover Peace Human Rights Governance Journal PHRG - 2017
[Events and Updates]

PHRG - Peace Human Rights Governance: the first issue of 2020 is out

The first issue of 2020 of the University of Padova Human Rights Centre's scientific journal, Peace Human Rights Governance (PHRG), has just been released (PHRG 4(1), March 2020). The issue ...

Last update 2 Apr 2020
Cover Peace Human Rights Governance Journal PHRG - 2017
[Events and Updates]

Call for papers: Peace Human Rights Governance (PHRG), deadline 15 June 2020

Peace Human Rights Governance (PHRG), the multi-disciplinary and open-access scientific journal of the University of Padova Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca", welcomes original research articles ...

Last update 3 Mar 2020
Padova Model UPR 2019
[Events and Updates]

The United Nations # StandUp4HumanRights campaign talks about the Padova Model UPR 2019

In 2018, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights launched the worldwide campaign "#StandUp4HumanRights" to calls on individuals and communities, especially the youth, to support, ...

Last update 25 Mar 2020
Padova Model UPR 27 al 29 novembre 2019
[Events and Updates]

Padova Model UPR 2019

The final phase of the Padova Model UPR 2019 was held in Padova from 27th to 29th November. The project envisages the simulation of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), one of the most ...

Last update 7 Jan 2020
Picture of the participants in the meeting of Italian UNESCO Chiars, Group 1, Rome, 27 November 2019
[Events and Updates]

Meeting of Italian UNESCO Chairs Group 1 “Cultural identity, migration, human rights, development and health"

The UNESCO Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace” of the University of Padova took part in the meeting of the Italian UNESCO Chairs, which was held on 27 November 2019 at University ...

Last update 16 Dec 2019
Seminario di formazione e progettazione dell’educazione civica per i Dirigenti e docenti delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado
[Events and Updates]

Everyone has the right to be happy: training and planning seminar for civic education addressed to headmasters and teachers of all levels, Padua, 10 December 2019

On the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the University of Padova organizes the event "Everyone has the right to be happy" a two-day training and ...

Last update 16 Dec 2019
30° anniversario della Convenzione internazionale sui diritti dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza, 6 settembre 2019, Università di Padova
[Events and Updates]

1989-2019: 30th Anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

On 20th November 2019, on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca” of the University of Padova ...

Last update 16 Dec 2019