Last Updates

Cars of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Kinshasa, 2011
[Events and Updates]

MA Programme in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance: visit to the International Museum of the Red Cross, Castiglione delle Stiviere, 14th January 2016

The Human Rights Centre and the SPGI Department have scheduled for January 14th 2016 a visit to the International Museum of the Red Cross, in Castiglione delle Stiviere (Mantua, Italy). After ...

Last update 26 Mar 2019
Master’s degree course in Human Rights and Multilevel Governace of the University of Padova, Study Trip to Geneva, 2015
[Events and Updates]

“Join us, become a Human Rights expert”: the video is out!

The Master’s degree course in Human Rights and Multilevel Governace of the University of Padova provides students with the knowledge and the competences required to protect and promote human ...

Last update 23 Dec 2015
Cover of the book, First Fundamental Rights Documents in Europe, 2015
[Events and Updates]

First Fundamental Rights Documents in Europe

The academic publisher Intersentia (Antwerp) has recently edited “First Fundamental Rights Documents in Europe”, a collective volume containing different analysis of the most important ...

Last update 18 Dec 2015
Studenti del Master Europeo in Diritti umani e democratizzazione mentre assistono ad una lezione.
[Events and Updates]

European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation 2016/2017: call for applications

Applications are open for the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA) 2016/2017, organized by the European Inter-University for Human Rights and ...

Last update 18 Dec 2015
Passes for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
[Photo Galleries]

Geneva Study Trip 2015

From September 20th to 24th 2015, the students of the Master Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, divided in two groups with parallel thematic programs, had the opportunity to meet ...

Last update 10 Dec 2015
Filippo Grandi
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: Filippo Grandi of Italy is the new High Commissioner for Refugees

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, following consultations with the Chairs of Member States regional groups, informed the General Assembly of his intention to appoint Filippo Grandi ...

Last update 4 Dec 2015
[Institutional Contents]

Paperbooks. Interdisciplinary research and documentation on Human rights

Paperbooks are published by the Human Rights Centre and the UNESCO chair “Human rights, democracy and peace”. Part of the volumes are freely downloadable in pdf file, For ...

Last update 24 Apr 2020
[Institutional Contents]

Research Papers

Research Papers are published by the Human Rights Centre and by the UNESCO Chair "Human rights, democracy and peace" of University of Padova List of published Research Papers: Riflessioni in ...

Last update 30 Nov 2015
Four workers laying down 4 of the 12 stars of a large representation of the flag of the Council of Europe during a celebration.
[Institutional Contents]

European National Preventive Mechanism against torture (NPM) Project

The European NPM Project has the aim to create an active network of the NPMs in Europe to foster peer exchange and provide a forum for cooperation between this network and international actors, such ...

Last update 30 Nov 2015
Institutional logo of the Council of Europe, founded 5 May 1949 by 10 founding States. Today the Council of Europe, with its offices in Strasbourg, France, assembles together 47 Member States of the Continental Europe.
[Institutional Contents]

Collaborations with the Council of Europe

From 2008 to 2010, the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua collaborated with the Council of Europe on two Projects (referred to as “Peer-to-Peer Projects”) co-financed by the ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Institutional logo of the Council of Europe, founded 5 May 1949 by 10 founding States. Today the Council of Europe, with its offices in Strasbourg, France, assembles together 47 Member States of the Continental Europe.

European Commission for Democracy through Law of the Council of Europe

The Region of Veneto has regulated its participation in the activities of the Venice Commission through Regional Law No. 55/1999, Article 19 “European Commission for Democracy through Law ...

Last update 26 Nov 2015
Homepage of the previous version of the "Archivio Pace Diritti Umani" (Peace Human Rights Archive) website, online until 2009

Archive Peace Human Rights

The Regional Archive Pace Diritti Umani - Peace Human Rights was established in 1988 by the Region of Veneto with Regional Law 30 March 1988 No. 18 “Regional Intervention for the Promotion of ...

Last update 25 Jan 2017
Children at their school desks in an elementary school in Nepal.
[Events and Updates]

November 20th: Italy celebrates Universal Children’s Day

With Resolution 836(IX) of December 14th 1954, the United Nations General Assembly declared November 20th the Universal Children’s Day, recalling the adoption of the UN Convention on the ...

Last update 30 Nov 2015
Suezann Bosler, fondatrice di Journey of Hope associazione di parenti delle vittime contro la pena capitale
[Institutional Contents]

Cities for Life: Conference by Suezann Bosler

Padua, Teatro Ruzante, 25 November 2015 Meeting with Suezann Bosler, founder of the Association Journey of Hope, wich represents the relatives of the death penalty victims. The conference will ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
The official logo for UN constituted by the polar stereographic projection of the globe surrounded by two laurel branches
[Events and Updates]

Federico Mayor and Roberto Savio: for a global threat, a global response is essential

In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks that hit Paris on Friday 13 November 2015, the web portal ‘Other News’ has published a short article by Federico Mayor, former General Director ...

Last update 15 Nov 2015