Last Updates

Presentation of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2012, Rome, 20 September 2012. From the left: Prof. Marco Mascia of the Univertisy of Padua, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Giulio Terzi and the senator Pietro Marcenaro.
[Photo Galleries]

The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs has presented the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2012

On Thursday 20 September 2012, in front of a large audience, the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights was presented at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome. The Yearbook is edited ...

Last update 14 Dec 2012
Poland is highlighted on the Europe map


Human Rights Centre of the Jagiellonian University Cracow, Poland Founded in 1993, the Human Rights Centre of the ...

Last update 16 Jul 2018
Czech Repubblic is highlighted on the Europe map

Czech Republic

The Czech Centre for Human Rights and Democratization(CCHRD) Brno, Czech Republic The Czech Centre for Human Rights and Democratization is an independent academic ...

Last update 2 Apr 2015
Austria is highlighted on the Europe map


Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights Vienna, Austria (English version) The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (BIM) was established in 1992 as an ...

Last update 10 Jul 2018

Main University Research Centres in Europe

These pages provide general information concerning the main university centres and similar bodies and institutions dealing with research and education in human rights-related issues located in ...

Last update 13 Jul 2015
Session I (10.30-12.30): Federico Mayor, President of the International Commission, Former Director General of UNESCO
[Photo Galleries]

10 December 2012: Presentation of the International Commission against Death Penalty

Time to Abolish the Death Penalty: the International Human Rights Day in the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua.

Last update 12 Dec 2012
New logo of the Anna Lindh Euromediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, 2012
[Events and Updates]

Anna Lindh Foundation: second Alexandria Education Convention, 16-18 December 2012

The second edition of the Alexandria Education Convention will take place in Alexandria (Egypt) at the headquarters of the Anna Lindh Euromediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures. ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
Official Twitter logo
[Events and Updates]

10 December 2012: live reporting on Twitter of the meeting with the International Commission against Death Penalty on #hrdunipd

The staff of the Human Right Centre / Regional Archive Peace Human Rights will provide a live report on Twitter of the meeting with the International Commission against Death Penality, which will be ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
[Vital Worlds in the Glocal Space]

Past training courses and activites with schools (1988-2010)

What follows is a list of the courses, seminars and contextual initiatives developed between 1988 and 2010 by the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua in the framework of its training ...

Last update 5 Dec 2012
Four children laying down 4 of the 12 stars of a large representation of the flag of the European Union
[Vital Worlds in the Glocal Space]

Citizenship and Constitution: Learning EU at school (2012)

In the framework of its training programmes on human rights and European citizenship for school teachers, the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua submitted to the European Commission the ...

Last update 5 Dec 2012
Logo International Commission against Death Penalty
[Institutional Contents]

10 december 2012: Presentation of the International Commission against Death Penalty

The International Human Rights Day will be celebrated on 10 December 2012 in the Aula Magna "Galileo Galilei" of the Palazzo del Bo of the University of Padua. The event will be characterised by ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
european union flag
[Events and Updates]

European Union: a further step for the establishment of the European Endowment for Democracy

The European Commission has recently allocated € 6 million to ensure the swift launch of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED). This allocation will finance the establishment and initial ...

Last update 20 Nov 2012
Students of the Master's Degree in Human Rights of the University of Padua, during a meeting at Wilson palace (Geneva) with Dr. Gianni Magazzeni and Dr. Roberto Vellano (9-13 May 2010)
[Institutional Contents]

Changes in International Law and Human Rights - Tendenze evolutive del diritto internazionale e diritti umani

The cycle of seminars is realised in the framework of the teaching module on "Human rights" within the Bachelor degree course in Political Science, International Relations, Human Rights, held by ...

Last update 18 Sep 2014
logo UniPD
[Institutional Contents]

Vorstellung des Menschenrechtszentrum (German)

Das Menschenrechtszentrum der Universität Padua Das im Jahr 1982 gegründete Zentrum ist die erste strukturelle Antwort der italienischen Hochschulen auf die Allgemeine Erklärung der ...

Last update 12 Nov 2012

Migranti minori

Annalisa Butticci, Paolo De Stefani (2005)

I Quaderni del Centro diritti umani

Last update 8 Nov 2012