Last Updates

A woman resident of the Kibati camp of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) carries a bag of food ration distributed by the World Food Programme in collaboration with the non-governmental organization, CARITAS.
[Events and Updates]

International Cooperation Services (SISCOS) : publication of statistics on international cooperation operators in 2011

I Servizi per la Cooperazione Internazionale (International Cooperation Services - SISCOS) has published a statistical data about co-operators, volunteers, consultants, experts who worked over ...

Last update 17 Oct 2012
Photo on the subject of violence against women in East Timor. Black and white image of the faded silhouette and hand of a woman.
[Events and Updates]

Council of Europe: Italy signs the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence

On behalf of Italy, the Minister of Labour and Social Policies, Elisa Fornero, has signed on Thursday 27th of September 2012 the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and ...

Last update 30 Oct 2012
Human Rights Centre, Inauguration of the first academic year of the European Master in Human Rights and democratisation, 6 October 1997, Palazzo Ducale, Piovego room.
[Events and Updates]

The European Master’s Programme (E.MA): Closing Ceremony of the academic year 2011/2012 and the opening ceremony of the new academic year. Venice, September 23rd 2012

On Sunday, September 23rd 2012, in the Scuola Grande di San Rocco in Venice, will take place the closing ceremony of the fifteenth edition of the European Master's Programme in Human Rights and ...

Last update 19 Sep 2012
The President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, receives a delegation of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua for the presentation of the fist edition of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights, 30 November 2011
[Institutional Contents]

Presentations of the Yearbook

Last update 18 Jul 2018
Libra and gavel as a simbol of justice
[Events and Updates]

The Justice Commission of the Italian Senate approves the Bill for the introduction of the crime of torture in the Italian criminal code

On September 12th 2012, the "Justice" Commission of the Italian Senate has approved the Bill on the introduction of the crime of torture within the Italian criminal code. The law ...

Last update 17 Sep 2012
Official Logo of the Anna Lindh Foundation for dialogue between cultures
[Events and Updates]

Declaration of the Anna Lindh Foundation on the release of ‘’Innocence of the Muslims’’ and the violence in the Region

The Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, member of the Anna Lindh Euromediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures since 2009, makes known the following declaration, released by ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
The students of the graduate courses in Political Science in a simulation of the LIBE on the topic granting the status of refugees or of person in need of international protection to stateless people or third-country nationals, 4 June 2012.
[Photo Galleries]

Model of the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament (University of Padua, 4 June 2012)

Model of the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament on the topic granting the status of refugees or of person in need of international protection to stateless people or third-country nationals, ...

Last update 13 Sep 2012
[Events and Updates]

Thirty years ago Pope John Paul II visited the University of Padua

(Antonio Papisca) September the 12, is the 30th anniversary of the visit of John Paul II in the Padua University. This event deserves to be remembered due to its intrinsic uniqueness and to the ...

Last update 13 Sep 2012
Palazzo Madama facade, Senato della Reppublica
[Events and Updates]

The Foreign Affairs Commission of the Italian Senate approves the Bill for the ratification of the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against torture

On August 7th 2012, the Bill on the ratification of the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment ...

Last update 18 Sep 2012
[Events and Updates]

The Human Rights Centre meets with participants of the project “Un ponte per i diritti umani”, September 11th 2012

On Tuesday, September 11th, the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, hosted four delegations, coming from five different European countries (Crest – France, Dobra – Poland, ...

Last update 24 Sep 2012
Thousands of people with packanges and bags try to leave Libya at the Tunisian border
[Events and Updates]

University of Vienna, Training course on “Empower human rights!”, Vienna, 10-12 September 2012

The Doctoral College “Empowerment through Human Rights” of the University of Vienna, in the mainstream of the AHRI/COST conference (AHRI-Association of Human Rights Institutes; COST - ...

Last update 10 Sep 2012
House of Representatives
[Events and Updates]

The Italian House of Representatives continues the examination of the Bill on the establishment the National Human Rights Commission

The first permanent Commission (constitutional affairs, Presidency of the Council of Ministers and home affairs) of the Italian House of Representatives, on the session of August 1st 2012, ...

Last update 17 Sep 2012

Intercultural Dialogue and Multi-Level Governance in Europe

Léonce Bekemans (2012)


Last update 29 Aug 2012
Deatail of the Cover of the European Yearbook of Human Rights 2012
[Events and Updates]

The European Yearbook of Human Rights 2012 has been launched

The 2012 issue of the European Yearbook of Human Rights (EYHR) has been launched. The Yearbook is jointly edited by the representatives of four major European human rights research, teaching and ...

Last update 23 Jul 2012
Participants to the first meeting of the “European National Preventive Mechanisms (NPM) Project”, held in Padua on 27-28 January 2010.
[Events and Updates]

Prof. Marco Mascia is the new President of the University Association for European Studies (AUSE)

Professor Marco Mascia, Director of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, has been elected by acclamation President of the University Association for European Studies (AUSE), at the ...

Last update 18 Jul 2012