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[Events and Updates]

The passing of Ambassador Umberto La Rocca, President of the Italian Society for International Organisation (SIOI)

The Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples of the University of Padua and the UNESCO Chair Human Rights, Democracy and Peace heartily participate in the mourning for the ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Poster of the Campaign "Dosta! Fight against prejudices toward Roma people",promoted by the Council of Europe
[Institutional Contents]

Protecting the fundamental rights of Roma and Sinti according to the European standards

The supporting group to the Special representative of the Secretary General for Roma Issues has organised, in collaboration with the Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of ...

Last update 29 Jun 2012
[Institutional Contents]

Protecting the victims of grave exploitation and trafficking dealing with new vulnerabilities. What policies to improve the existing operation systems?

Human Rights Centre, University of Padua, Via Martiri della Libertà, 2 Thursday 3 November 2011, h 9.30 - 17.00 The purpose of this workshop is to create an opportunity of dialogue for ...

Last update 29 Jun 2012
[Institutional Contents]

Conclusive meeting of the second High Education Training Course for Experts in Civic Education, Human Rights, Citizenship, Constitution

University of Padua, Human Rights Centre, Via Martiri della Libertà 2, Wednesday 4 May 2011, 3 to 5 p.m. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Cut the wings of arms, Italian campaign for disarmament, 2011
[Events and Updates]

Italy: civil society campaign to reduce military expenditure

The Italian network for disarmament and Sbilanciamoci!, with the support of the Peace Roundtable, Grillo News and Unimondo, have renewed their commitment to disarmament, launching the campaign Let's ...

Last update 11 Oct 2011
Some unexploded cluster bombs waiting to be removed
[Events and Updates]

Italy ratifies the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM)

On 21st September, the international day of peace, the Italian Under-Secretary for foreign affairs Vincenzo Scotti presented, in New York, the legal instrument by which Italy ratifies the Convention ...

Last update 11 Oct 2011

Remarks by President Obama in address to the United Nations General Assembly, New York, September 21, 2011

Documentazione (2011)


Last update 26 Sep 2011
Copertina del Quaderno 18, Mascia M. e Papisca A., (a cura di) Pace Diritti Umani Agenda Politica, 2011
[Events and Updates]

Peace Human Rights Political Agenda: the new book by Prof. Mascia and Prof. Papisca

Thursday 22nd September is the release date of the new book edited by Prof. Marco Mascia and Prof. Antonio Papisca of the University of Padua: Pace Diritti Umani Agenda Politica (Peace Human Rights ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
An archival picture of the Peace March Perugia Assisi, taken from the Programme of the Seminar: "Il seme e l'albero. R-Esistere oggi in Italia con Aldo Capitini e Giorgio La Pira", 2011
[Events and Updates]

Italy: the March "Perugia-Assisi" for peace and brotherhood among peoples celebrates its 50th anniversary

This year, on Sunday 25th September it will take place the Perugia-Assisi March for peace and brotherhood among peoples which celebrates its 50th anniversary. The first March took place on 24th ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
Workshop Cultural and Value Roots for intercultural dialogue in a European context, 2011
[Institutional Contents]

Workshop "Cultural and Value Roots for intercultural dialogue in a European context"

Padua, Teatro Ruzante and Aula Nievo, 25-26 October 2011 In the framework of its thematic network activities on capacity building and curriculum development in the area of intercultural dialogue ...

Last update 29 Jun 2012

Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights, 1/2007

AA.VV. (2007)

Rivista "Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights"

Last update 19 Sep 2011

Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights, 2/2007

AA.VV. (2007)

Rivista "Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights"

Last update 19 Sep 2011

Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights, 1/2009

AA.VV. (2009)

Rivista "Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights"

Last update 19 Sep 2011

Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights, 2/2009

AA.VV. (2009)

Rivista "Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights"

Last update 19 Sep 2011

Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights, 3/2009

AA.VV. (2009)

Rivista "Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights"

Last update 19 Sep 2011