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[Events and Updates]

Ph.D Cycle 34: "Human Rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance", student’s thesis defense

Today, on July 13th 2022, our students from the Cycle 34 of the Ph.D programme defended their doctoral theses for the issue of the title “Dottore di ricerca - International Doctorate in Human ...

Last update 20 Jul 2022
Collection of arms, part of the disarmament program of the rebel factions in Burundi.
[Events and Updates]

60th Course of the International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts (ISODARCO) “Advancing Technology, Nuclear Weapons Security, and International Stability”, 8-15 January 2023

The 60th Course of the International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts (ISODARCO) will be held in Andalo (Trento, Italy) from 8 to 15 January 2023. The theme of this course is ...

Last update 13 Jul 2022
A little girl and her father embrace crying after family reunification

Family reunification for refugees: a comparative analysis

Mariachiara Berlinghieri is a recent graduate from the Master degree in Human Rights and Multilevel Governance at the University of Padua. She is currently enrolled in a Master of second level in ...

Last update 26 Mar 2024
New thematic factsheet on Protection of Property
[Events and Updates]

European Court of Human Rights (ECHR): New thematic factsheet on Protection of Property was published

The Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights issued a new thematic factsheet on Protection of Property. The European Convention on Human Rights enunciates ...

Last update 5 Jul 2022
Protestors at the March of Peace and Independence in Minsk, Belarus
[Events and Updates]

Human Rights Council: Belarus ‘engulfed in fear’

Anaïs Marin, Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus, presented her annual report to the Human Rights Council in Geneva, pointing to Government policies that have ...

Last update 5 Jul 2022
report on learners privacy security
[Events and Updates]

UNESCO: Global dialogue on evolving dimensions of the right to education. New report on learners’ privacy and security

The COVID-19 pandemic greatly accelerated the use of digital technologies in education. But beyond the emergency response, there is an international trend towards exploring how artificial ...

Last update 5 Jul 2022
Abortion rights supporters and anti-abortion demonstrators rally outside the U.S. Supreme Court on Nov. 1, 2021
[Events and Updates]

USA: UN experts denounce Supreme Court decision to strike down Roe vs Wade, urge action to mitigate consequences

UN human rights experts today denounced the decision by the US Supreme Court to strike down Roe v. Wade, a near half-century legal precedent that has protected women’s right to choose to have ...

Last update 5 Jul 2022

Building Narratives: How Propaganda in Democracies Can Change Our Perception of the World

Clelia Vettori holds a double master’s degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance from the University of Padova and International Relations and Global Studies from the University of ...

Last update 26 Mar 2024
[Events and Updates]

FRA: Fundamental Rights Report 2022

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has issued its Fundamental Rights Report 2022. The report reviews major developments in the field in 2021, recognizing both achievements and ...

Last update 28 Jun 2022
A Rohingya boy watches soldiers patrol his camp in Sittwe, May 13, 2013.
[Events and Updates]

Human Rights Watch in Myanmar: The Rohingya’s Decade of Detention

The Myanmar authorities have detained over 135,000 Rohingya and Kaman Muslims arbitrarily and indefinitely in Rakhine State for a decade, Human Rights Watch said in a web feature released on 15 of ...

Last update 28 Jun 2022
Migrants’ makeshift shelters in the city of Agadez.
[Events and Updates]

IOM Study: Women and Girls Most Trafficked in Niger

Women and girls constitute 69% of victims and survivors of trafficking in Niger, according to a new study by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The study, a first of its kind in ...

Last update 28 Jun 2022
[Events and Updates]

CoE: Updated thematic factsheet on freedom of religion

The Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (Execution Department) has published an updated thematic factsheet on the execution of ECHR judgments concerning ...

Last update 28 Jun 2022
A sea rescue by the Sea-Watch team
[Events and Updates]

FRA: Migrant search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean updated

Since January, on average 5 people have died per day crossing the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe. On World Refugee Day 2022, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) underlined the struggles ...

Last update 28 Jun 2022
Domestic violence: Countries should improve child custody safety and victim protection
[Events and Updates]

GREVIO: Domestic violence - countries should improve child custody safety and victim protection.

The Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO), which monitors the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on ...

Last update 28 Jun 2022
It is estimated that 160 million children were engaged in child labour globally at the beginning of 2020.
[Events and Updates]

International Organization for Migration (IOM): Expanding Evidence Base on Child Labour, Forced Labour, and Human Trafficking

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the International Labour Organization (ILO), and Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) join forces to host a global conference showcasing new ...

Last update 28 Jun 2022