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The circular-shaped hall in which the United Nations General Assembly gathers.
[Events and Updates]

United Nations General Assembly: Application for special accreditation to preparatory process for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration - NGOs, civil society organizations, academic institutions, and private sector

In accordance with United Nations General Assembly resolution 71/1, the "New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants," a preparatory process will soon begin for the intergovernmental negotiations ...

Last update 23 Apr 2017
International Conference "Global Orthodoxy. Religion, Politics, and Human Rights", Padova, 12 May, 2017, Human Rights Centre, University of Padova (Italy)
[Institutional Contents]

Global Orthodoxy. Religion, Politics, and Human Rights

Padova, 12th May, 2017 Via Martiri della Libertà, 2 Human Rights Centre, University of Padova (Italy) During the last decades, sociological interest in religion and globalization has grown ...

Last update 12 Mar 2019
United Nations Geneva
[Events and Updates]

Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Statement released on Human Rights Defenders and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

A statement on Human Rights Defenders and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights was released by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR). The statement highlights 8 points of ...

Last update 6 Apr 2017
[Events and Updates]

University of Padova: Conference "European Union and Fundamental Rights in times of Austerity", April 6-7, 2017

In the afternoon of Thursday 6th April and the morning of Friday 7th Aprilthe conference "European Union and Fundamental Rights in times of Austerity" takes place at the University of Padova. On ...

Last update 6 Apr 2017
Master's Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, Second Winter School “Microfinance in Action” in Nepal, 24th September - 8th October 2016
[Events and Updates]

MA in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance: premier of the video documentary of the second Winter School “Microfinance in Action” in Nepal

The video documentary of the second Winter School “Microfinance in Action” in Nepal will be projected on Tuesday 28th March at 17:00 in the Human Rights Centre (via Martiri della ...

Last update 30 Mar 2017
Call for Papers: International conference “Religions and Human Rights”, Padua (Italy), April 14-15, 2016
[Events and Updates]

University of Padova: tuition fee-waivers for students with foreign qualifications enrolling in the Master's degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, and other international courses

The University of Padova offers full tuition fee-waivers to students enrolling in one of its degree courses completely held in English. This offer includes, among the many courses offered, the ...

Last update 3 Apr 2017
Cover Peace Human Rights Governance Journal PHRG - 2017
[Events and Updates]

PHRG - Peace Human Rights Governance: new scientific journal of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova

Peace Human Rights Governance (PHRG), the new scientific journal of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova, is out with its first issue, which prosecutes the ten-year experience ...

Last update 20 Apr 2017
UNHCR staff receive survivors at the dock of the Sicilian port of Messina, Sicily
[Events and Updates]

Council of Europe: report published on situation of asylum-seekers and migrants reception and child-protection system in Italy

On the 8th March 2017, a report was published by the Council of Europe Secretary General’s Special Representative on migration and refugees, Ambassador Tomáš Boček, ...

Last update 21 Mar 2017
Asia Centre logo in orange and black, with written underneath "connecting peoples and regions"
[Events and Updates]

International Conference on National Human Rights Institutions in Southeast Asia: Call for Abstracts

The International Conference on National Human Rights Institutions in Southeast Asia: Challenges of Protection, in programme for the 13th-14th July 2017 has extended the deadline for the Call for ...

Last update 30 Mar 2017
Soulaf Abas, 249, 250, 251, 252, oil on canvas. 12"x 16", 2013
[Events and Updates]

Photography exhibition “Codename: Caesar. Syrian detainees – victims of torture” at the Human Rights Centre

The inauguration of the exhibition "Codename: Caesar. Syrian detainees - victims of torture" will take place at the University Human Rights Centre on Thursday 16th March 2017, at 17.00.  The ...

Last update 14 Mar 2017
Panoramic photo of the building headquarters of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France.
[Events and Updates]

European Court of Human Rights: Italian authorities failed to protect a mother and son by not taking prompt action on complaints concerning conjugal violence

With the judgment of 2nd March 2017, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) condemned Italy for the case of Talpis v Italy (no. 41237/14). Ms. Talpis brought the case in front of the ECtHR ...

Last update 21 Mar 2017
[Events and Updates]

Anna Lindh Foundation: Education Handbook on Intercultural Citizenship

On the 1st of March 2017, the Anna Lindh Education Handbook on Intercultural Citizenship in the Euro-Mediterranean Region was published. It is the first manual of its kind, and has been developed ...

Last update 9 Mar 2017
European Commission - Future of Europe homepage banner; a semi circle of blue origami birds and stars around the words "Future in Europe"
[Events and Updates]

European Commission: White Paper on the Future of Europe presenting avenues for unity for the EU at 27

On the 1st March 2017, the European Commission President Junker presented a White Paper on the Future of Europe: Avenues for unity for the EU at 27 to the European Parliament. The document sets ...

Last update 30 Mar 2017

Unione europea cantiere aperto di governance

Marco Mascia (2016)


Last update 6 Mar 2017
[Events and Updates]

National Ombudsperson for the Rights of Detainees: Presentation of First Activities Report for First Year of Mandate, Rome, March 21st 2017

The National Ombudsperson for the Protection of the Rights of Persons Deprived of their Liberty will present his first report to the Parliament on the activities developed during the first ...

Last update 5 Mar 2017