White Helmets Beyond the Revenge, Human Rights Center, 6 March 2013
- Event date: 6 March 2013
- Venue: Human Rights Center
The seminar presents the first results of the research realised in the framework of the Volunteer National Civil Service project entitled “White Helmets Beyond the Revenge”. The project, led by the Association Papa Giovanni XXIII, Caritas Italiana and Focsiv, with the scientific support of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, envisaged the participation of six young volunteers in a civil and non-violent intervention during a conflict.
The conflict context in which the action of non-armed and non-violent civil defence took place was that of the blood revenge in Albania, legitimated by the Kanun consuetudinary law.
The research aims not only at studying the practice of the blood revenge referring to the existing literature and to the activities of the associations involved, but also at observing how the non-violent intervention of the volunteers has changed the conflict scenario in Albania. The main objective is to propose a model of action for managing civil interventions in conflict contexts.
More information about this seminar, including photos and videos of the event, are available in Italian. Accessing the Italian page of the seminar, you are leaving the English version of the website.