Complete list of events and updates


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

International Human Rights Day: Tribute to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

On the International Human Rights Day 2020, UN Women organises a high-level interactive conversation of an intergenerational group of women...

Last update 7/12/2020
Cover Peace Human Rights Governance Journal PHRG - 2017

PHRG - Peace Human Rights Governance: the November issue is out

The last issue of 2020 of the University of Padova Human Rights Centre's scientific journal, Peace Human Rights Governance (PHRG), has been...

Last update 4/12/2020
Human Rights Day 2020 -- Recover Better

Human Rights Day, 10 December 2020: Recover Better - Stand Up for Human Rights

Human Rights Day is celebrated every year on 10 December, the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948,...

Last update 3/12/2020
The Committee of Ministers, at its 1389th Meeting on 25 November 2020, held an exchange of views with Ms Marie B. Hagsgård, Acting President of the Advisory Committee, who presented the 12th activity report covering the period from 1 June 2018 to 31 May 2

Council of Europe: backsliding on minority rights weakens democracy

Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of Europe has published its...

Last update 1/12/2020

International Conference on Multilevel Governance and Children's Rights, 2 December 2020

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the...

Last update 1/12/2020
SAR ITALY - Europan Reaserchers Night 27 novembre 2020

European Reaserchers night on the theme of academic freedom for Scholars at Risk - Friday 27 November 2020

The Universities of Padua, Cagliari and the Scuola Normale Superiore organised a series of meetings on the theme of academic...

Last update 27/11/2020
Right to a Better World, report 2020

"Right to a Better World" - a documentary video series by the United Nations

The United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, in cooperation with the Oxford Human Rights Hub (OxHRH), the...

Last update 27/11/2020
Atomic bomb

United Nations: the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons set to enter into force in January

The ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons will now come into force on 22 January, after...

Last update 22/11/2020

United Nations: 20 years on, radical change needed to realize women’s inclusion in peace and political power

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the landmark Resolution 1325, which set a new framework for the equal...

Last update 22/11/2020
Student Engagement Team

For the students, by the students: the Student Engagement Team (SET) joins Padua’s human rights community

Student Engagement Team (SET), is an independent initiative, led by 12 students enrolled in the second year of the Human Rights...

Last update 22/11/2020

Climate Action Award winners 2020: shine ray of hope

The 2020 UN Global Climate Action Awards, in a year that has cast darkness upon many, shone a light on...

Last update 20/11/2020
Online Course for International Electoral Observers

Global Campus of Human Rights: Online Course for International Electoral Observers. Enrolment until 15 January 2020.

The Global Campus launched its new Online Course for International Electoral Observers. Open and legitimate elections are the indispensable foundation...

Last update 20/11/2020
Wrap a present, give a future! Oxfam 2020

Recruitment of volunteers for the Oxfam fundraising campaign

Oxfam Italia is looking for volunteers in the Province of Padua for the Christmas campaign "Wrap a present, give a...

Last update 14/11/2020
Protests in Belarus 2020

UN experts condemn threats against women human rights defenders in Belarus

Independent experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council criticised Belarus for persecuting women human rights defenders in the context...

Last update 13/11/2020
Children deprived of liberty

Global Campus of Human Rights: MOOC on Children Deprived of Liberty: Enacting the Recommendations of the UN Global Study. Free...

The Global Campus launched its new MOOC on Children Deprived of Liberty: Enacting the Recommendations of the UN Global Study....

Last update 13/11/2020