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La tutela legale: l’esperienza dell’Ufficio del Pubblico Tutore del Veneto

Chiara Drigo (2009)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 27 Feb 2019

Percorsi di facilitazione e di mediazione per le garanzie dei diritti dei bambini e delle bambine

Lucio Strumendo (2009)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 9 Jan 2012

Politiche per l’infanzia e nuove esperienze di monitoraggio dei diritti e del benessere dei bambini

Valerio Belotti (2009)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 9 Jan 2012
Image: two children play with yellow tanks in Gaza (photo taken from the Red Cross (ICRC) Report "GAZA 1.5 million people trapped in despair").
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: More children in school and fewer dying; But 1 billion children still deprived of food, shelter, or clean water”

Anne Veneman, Chief Director of UNICEF, announced that significant strides have been made in ensuring and protecting the rights of children around the world-particularly in the areas of child ...

Last update 30 Nov 2009
european union flag
[Events and Updates]

20-22 October: In Padua, an Educational Seminar for European Ombudsmen on the Theme of Unaccompanied Minors.

The fifth and final seminar of the 2009 ‘Peer to Peer’ project, financed by the European Union and Council of Europe, took place in Padua between the 20th and 22nd of October. The theme ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
The image is the film poster of "Bunso, the youngest". It shows two grieving children supporting each other inside a jail
[Events and Updates]

Human Rights in the Philippines: Imprisonment of Young People and the Nonviolent Struggle for Land

On 15 October 2009, The University of Padua's Interdepartmental Centre of Research and Services on the Rights of the Person and of Peoples is hosting a day dedicated to the theme "Human Rights in ...

Last update 7 Jan 2010
logo UniPD
[Events and Updates]

Human Rights in the Philippines: Imprisonment of Young People and the Nonviolent Struggle for Land

On 15 October 2009, The University of Padua's Interdepartmental Centre of Research and Services on the Rights of the Person and of Peoples is hosting a day dedicated to the theme "Human Rights in ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019

Der Handel mit Frauen und jungen Menschen - europäische Dimensionen einer - Heft für Schülerinnen und Schüler

Anna Dośpiał, Joanna Garnier (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010

Der Handel mit Frauen und jungen Menschen - europäische Dimensionen einer - Methodenleitfaden

Dina Nachbaur (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010

Prawa Człowieka a Handel Kobietami i Młodymi Ludźmi w Europie. Przybornik edukacyjny - Informacje Dodatkowe

Anna Dośpiał, Joanna Garnier (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010

Prawa Człowieka a Handel Kobietami i Młodymi Ludźmi w Europie. Przybornik edukacyjny - Co Warto Wiedzieć

Anna Dośpiał, Joanna Garnier (2007)


Last update 5 Nov 2010