
Percorsi di facilitazione e di mediazione per le garanzie dei diritti dei bambini e delle bambine

Lucio Strumendo (2009)
Pubblication type
Articolo / Saggio

Facilitation and Mediation Paths to Guarantee the Rights of Children

For their concrete actualisation, human rights – and in particular the rights of children – need active policies and subsidiary institutions which guarantee effectiveness.
The Recommendations repeatedly expressed by the International Bodies, since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (United Nations, New York, 1989), move towards this direction.

A significant and innovative role among these subsidiary institutions is played by the «Ombudsman for Children» whose specific responsibilities include: cultural promotion, intended as preventive action and educational communication; hearing children’s needs; training voluntary guardians for children without parental care. 

The Veneto is among the first Italian regions to have set up the institution of the Ombudsman for Children. The essay presents the initial outcome and indicates some prospects of work.

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Children peace human rights protection human rights Children Ombudsman