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Contents tagged with key-word:   Council of Europe

Zero discrimination Day 2021
[Events and Updates]

Zero Discrimination Day - 1st March

On the occasion of Zero Discrimination Day, the 1st of March, a number of international organisations has issued statements and publications, among which UNAIDS and the European Commission against ...

Last update 1 Mar 2021
Sculpture entitled "Non-Violenza" by Karl Fredrik Reutersward, situated outside the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
[Events and Updates]

EBCO's Annual Report 2020 on Conscientious Objection to Military Service

The European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO) has published its Annual Report 2020 on Conscientious Objection to Military Service. The EBCO report, covering the region of Council of ...

Last update 26 Feb 2021
[Events and Updates]

Protests in Russia erupt after the detention of Alexey Navalny

On January 17, Alexey Navalny, the key opposition figure in Russia, was arrested at the Sheremetyevo airport of Moscow when re-entering his country after having received medical treatments in ...

Last update 16 Feb 2021
Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA)
[Events and Updates]

GRETA: Guidance Note on preventing and combatting trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation

Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) has issued a new guidance note on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour ...

Last update 15 Jan 2021
The Committee of Ministers, at its 1389th Meeting on 25 November 2020, held an exchange of views with Ms Marie B. Hagsgård, Acting President of the Advisory Committee, who presented the 12th activity report covering the period from 1 June 2018 to 31 May 2
[Events and Updates]

Council of Europe: backsliding on minority rights weakens democracy

Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of Europe has published its twelfth activity report covering the period from June 2018 to May ...

Last update 2 Dec 2020
European Anti-trafficking Day 2020
[Events and Updates]

European Anti-trafficking Day: Human trafficking will not be tolerated

In a statement to mark the European Anti-Trafficking Day, the Council of Europe's Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) called for full respect for the rights of ...

Last update 29 Oct 2020
Digital solutions to fight COVID-19
[Events and Updates]

Digital solutions to fight COVID-19

A new Council of Europe report has identified a number of shortcomings in the protection of privacy and personal data in some of the legal and technical measures adopted by governments to ...

Last update 20 Oct 2020
Seafarers UN photo
[Events and Updates]

UN calls for action from the global business community to help end the humanitarian crisis of seafarers

The UN Human Rights Office and the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, have joined the United Nations Global Compact in calling for businesses across the value chain to act and assess the ...

Last update 13 Oct 2020
Yoomi Renström, Rapporteur of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
[Events and Updates]

Congress of Local and Regional Authorities Rapporteur calls for solidarity with local authorities to urgently remedy refugee situation after Moria fires

Against the background of the devastating fires in the “Moria Reception and Identification Centre” on the Greek island of Lesbos, Yoomi Renström, Rapporteur of the Congress of Local ...

Last update 1 Oct 2020
Anders Knape, International Day of Democracy: statement by the President of the Congress
[Events and Updates]

International Day of Democracy: statement by the President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

The President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, Anders Knape, made a statement on the occasion of the International Day of Democracy, the 15th of ...

Last update 24 Sep 2020
The gender pay gap is unacceptable
[Events and Updates]

Right to equal pay: European Committee of Social Rights finds violations in 14 countries

The European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) has found violations of the right to equal pay and the right to equal opportunities in the workplace in 14 out of 15 ...

Last update 2 Jul 2020
[Events and Updates]

Council of Europe and UNHCR: new course on the Alternatives to immigration detention

On the occasion of World Refugee Day on 20 June, the Council of Europe launched a HELP/UNHCR free online course on Alternatives to Immigration Detention with the aim of supporting legal and ...

Last update 29 Jun 2020
No Hate Speach Youth Campaign
[Events and Updates]

Bookmarks - A manual for combating hate speech online through human rights education (2020 Revised edition)

The Council of Europe published the revised edition of Bookmarks- A manual for combating hate speech online through human rights education, which reflects the end of its coordination of the No Hate ...

Last update 11 Jun 2020
GREVIO's First Report on Italy
[Events and Updates]

On male violence against women: GREVIO’s First Report on the application of the Istanbul Convention in Italy

On 25 May 2020, the Human Rights Centre held a web seminar on the first GREVIO Baseline Evaluation Report on Italy on legislative and other measures giving effect to the provisions of the Council of ...

Last update 27 May 2020
Leaflet International conference "On women's rights: between violence and exploitation"
[Events and Updates]

GREVIO published the first four-year General Report on its activities

Progress achieved and obstacles remained in efforts to stop violence against women The Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence ...

Last update 17 Apr 2020