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Contents tagged with key-word:   Europe

Twelve children, who placed the twelve stars on a giant flag spread out on the lawn of the Palace of Europe, 2005

The EU’s role in promoting the production and the use of agrofuels: the 2009 Renewable Energy Directive

Since 2001, the EU has started to take a serious interest in agrofuels and, in the last ten years, it has become one of the major world actors which have significantly contributed to the development ...

Last update 26 Oct 2011
Workshop Cultural and Value Roots for intercultural dialogue in a European context, 2011
[Institutional Contents]

Workshop "Cultural and Value Roots for intercultural dialogue in a European context"

Padua, Teatro Ruzante and Aula Nievo, 25-26 October 2011 In the framework of its thematic network activities on capacity building and curriculum development in the area of intercultural dialogue ...

Last update 29 Jun 2012
Deatail of the Cover of the European Yearbook of Human Rights 2011
[Events and Updates]

The European Yearbook of Human Rights 2011 has been launched

The 2011 issue of the European Yearbook of Human Rights (EYHR) has been recently launched in Venice (Italy). The Yearbook is jointly edited by the representatives of four major European human rights ...

Last update 1 Aug 2011

The Future for European Society: Subsidiarity, Federalism, New Humanism

Dario Velo (2011)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 9 Jan 2014
Student body and staff participate in the inauguration ceremony for the 2002-2003 academic year of the European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratization, venice, 2002
[Events and Updates]

European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA) - new deadline for applications: 20 June 2011

The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC), the interdisciplinary academic body formed by 41 European Union universities, has postponed the deadline for the ...

Last update 25 May 2011

European Public Sphere and Citizens’ Participation

Luciano Morganti (2010)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 6 Nov 2012

The Committee of the Region’s White Paper on Multilevel Governance: Perspectives for a Partnership-based European Union 2020-2030

Luc Van den Brande, Hendrik Theunissen (2010)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 6 Nov 2012
International Flag of the Roma people
[Events and Updates]

8 April 2011, Celebration of the International Roma Day - 40th Anniversary of the First World Romani Congress

On April 8 2011 it will be celebrated the International Roma Day, which will also mark the fortieth anniversary since the International Gipsy Committee organized the first World Romani Congress on 8 ...

Last update 5 Apr 2011
A photo of two hands holding the world, with Europe in view.
[Events and Updates]

Institutional Independence in an Inter-regional Perspective: A Multidisciplinary and Comparative Workshop. San Domenico di Fiesole (Florence), 6 April 2011.

Institutional Independence in an Inter-regional Perspective: A Multidisciplinary and Comparative Workshop. San Domenico di Fiesole (Florence), 6 April 2011. The Max Weber Programme and the ...

Last update 5 Apr 2011
Profile of a student while speaking in a meeting at Wilson Palace, Geneva, Switzerland.
[Events and Updates]

European University Foundation – Campus Europae: Forum Human Rights in Higher Education. Luxembourg 10-11 March 2011

The first edition of the Forum Human Rights in Higher Education will be held at the Abbaye de Neumünster in Luxembourg on the 10th and 11th of March 2011. The initiative has been organised by ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
The picture shows a Roma family composed by father, mother and three children who are sat on big cushions inside their home
[Events and Updates]

Housing Forum, Europe and Central Asia. Budapest 04-06 April 2011

Organized by the Habitat for Humanity International, the first European - Central Asian Housing Forum will take place in Budapest (Hungary) from 4 till 6 April 2011. Among the partner organizer ...

Last update 2 Mar 2011

Barack Obama and Herman Van Rompuy. New leadership to educate international politics

Antonio Papisca (2010)

Human Rights Academic Voice

Last update 30 May 2019

A Cosmopolitan Perspective of Multi-level Governance in Europe

Léonce Bekemans (2010)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 6 Nov 2012

The Practice of Territorial Dialogue in Europe: The View of a Practitioner

Paul Breyne (2010)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 26 Feb 2019

Multi-level Governance and Intercultural Dialogue: The Prospects for 2020

Luc Van den Brande (2010)

Articolo / Saggio

Last update 6 Nov 2012