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voto venezuela
[Events and Updates]

Venezuela: Guterres calls for ‘complete transparency’ following disputed presidential election

Last Sunday, July 28, Venezuelan presidential elections were held with a recorded attendance of 59% of valid voters, according to figures from the National Electoral Council (CNE for its acronym in ...

Last update 10 Aug 2024
UN Secretary-General António Guterres briefs the General Assembly on the work of the Organization and his priorities for 2024
[Events and Updates]

“Peace is the UN's raison d’être”: Guterres’ call for action and his priorities for 2024

“Peace is our raison d’être. Yet, as I scan the landscape of today’s world, the one thing missing most dramatically is peace”. The UN Chief Antonio Guterres addressed ...

Last update 18 Feb 2024
Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General
[Events and Updates]

UN Secretary-General urges nations to reconsider their decision to suspend UNRWA funding

Some Western countries decided to suspend their funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) following the allegations by Israel that some ...

Last update 1 Feb 2024
[Events and Updates]

International Day of Peace: 21st September 2023

The International Day of Peace (IDP) is followed annually around the world on the 21st September. Declared by the UN General Assembly as a day dedicated to reinforcing the ideals of peace through ...

Last update 9 Nov 2023
National banners of the Member States of the UNO (United Nations Organization) outside the UN Headquarters.
[Events and Updates]

UN Secretary-General: The new Agenda for Peace

UN Secretary-General António Guterres launched a new policy brief called "The New Agenda for Peace" outlining his vision for a stronger multilateral framework to address global challenges in ...

Last update 11 Sep 2023
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[Events and Updates]

UN chief unveils new vision for peace across a ‘multipolar world’

UN Secretary-General António Guterres launched a new policy brief called "The New Agenda for Peace," outlining his vision for a stronger multilateral framework to address global challenges in ...

Last update 26 Sep 2023
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: Meaningful youth involvement in decision-making critical to sustainable future

The Secretary-General, António Guterres, recently emphasized the critical role of youth in realizing the promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In a policy brief he stated ...

Last update 23 May 2023
Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary general of the Council of Europe
[Events and Updates]

Council of Europe: the Secretary General’s Annual report “Ready for Future Challenges – Reinforcing the Council of Europe” has been published

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjørn Jagland, has published his last annual report concerning the future challenges for Europe and the need to strengthen the role of the ...

Last update 17 Apr 2019
Maria-Francesca Spatolisano, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: António Guterres has appointed Maria-Francesca Spatolisano of Italy as Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs

The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has appointed Maria-Francesca Spatolisano of Italy as Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs in the ...

Last update 9 Jan 2019
Campaign Logo with "50th Anniversary of the Human Rights Covenants"
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: remarks by the Deputy secretary-general on the anniversary of the two Covenants, New York, 19 November 2016

The Deputy Secretary-general of the United Nations made important remarks about the role of the Covenant on civil and political rights and the Covenant on economic social and cultural rights since ...

Last update 2 Nov 2016
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All Secretaries-General of the Arab League

The list present the Secretaries-General of the Arab League since its foundation. - Mr Abd El Rahman Azzam (Egypt) from 1945 to 1952. - Mr Mohammed Abd El Khaleq Hassouna (Egypt) from 1952 to ...

Last update 28 Sep 2013

Un'Agenda per lo sviluppo. Sviluppo e cooperazione economica internazionale

Boutros-Ghali Boutros (1993)


Last update 4 Nov 2010

Discorso al Campidoglio del Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite (8 gennaio 1996)

Boutros-Ghali Boutros (1993)


Last update 4 Nov 2010

Dal messaggio del Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite in occasione dell’Anno del Dialogo tra le Civiltà

Documentazione (2007)


Last update 7 Oct 2010