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Presentation of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2012, Rome, 20 September 2012, Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi
[Institutional Contents]

The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs has presented the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2012

On Thursday 20th September 2012, in front of a large audience, the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights was presented at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome. The Yearbook is ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
The students of the graduate courses in Political Science in a simulation of the LIBE on the topic granting the status of refugees or of person in need of international protection to stateless people or third-country nationals, 4 June 2012.
[Photo Galleries]

Model of the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament (University of Padua, 4 June 2012)

Model of the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament on the topic granting the status of refugees or of person in need of international protection to stateless people or third-country nationals, ...

Last update 13 Sep 2012
[Events and Updates]

Thirty years ago Pope John Paul II visited the University of Padua

(Antonio Papisca) September the 12, is the 30th anniversary of the visit of John Paul II in the Padua University. This event deserves to be remembered due to its intrinsic uniqueness and to the ...

Last update 13 Sep 2012
Thousands of people with packanges and bags try to leave Libya at the Tunisian border
[Events and Updates]

University of Vienna, Training course on “Empower human rights!”, Vienna, 10-12 September 2012

The Doctoral College “Empowerment through Human Rights” of the University of Vienna, in the mainstream of the AHRI/COST conference (AHRI-Association of Human Rights Institutes; COST - ...

Last update 10 Sep 2012
Deatail of the Cover of the European Yearbook of Human Rights 2012
[Events and Updates]

The European Yearbook of Human Rights 2012 has been launched

The 2012 issue of the European Yearbook of Human Rights (EYHR) has been launched. The Yearbook is jointly edited by the representatives of four major European human rights research, teaching and ...

Last update 23 Jul 2012

Intercultural Dialogue and Multi-Level Governance in Europe

Léonce Bekemans (2012)


Last update 29 Aug 2012
Altiero Spinelli pronuncia la Lectio Magistralis in occasione del conferimento della laurea honoris causa in Scienze politiche, 28 maggio 1982, Aula Magna Università di Padova. Al suo fianco il gonfalone dell'Ateneo Patavino, decorato Medaglia d'Oro al va
[Institutional Contents]

The "European challenge", thirty years after the awarding to Altiero Spinelli of the Honorary Degree in Political Science of the University of Padua

On Tuesday, 22 May 2012 at 17:00, at Palazzo del Bo of the University of Padua, the 30th anniversary of the awarding to Altiero Spinelli of the Honorary Degree in Political Science was held. The ...

Last update 18 Sep 2014
From left: Gianni Magazzeni, OHCHR; Marco Mascia, Director of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua; ; Navanethem Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights; Antonio Papisca, Director of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights
[Photo Galleries]

Presentation of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights to the United Nations. Geneva, Tuesday 26 June 2012

The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights was presented, on Tuesday 26 June 2012, at Palais des Nations in Geneva, during the session of the UN Human Righs Council. The presentation was promoted by the ...

Last update 29 Jun 2012
[Institutional Contents]

Model of the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament

  The students of the graduate courses in Political Science, International and European Studies (curriculum European Integration and Politics) and in Political Science, International ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Cover of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2011, Brussels, Peter Lang 2012
[Institutional Contents]

Presentation of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights at the United Nations. Geneva, Tuesday 26th June 2012

The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights, edited by the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova (Marsilio Editori, Peter Lang International Academic Publishers), will be presented at the Palais ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
From the left: Marco Mascia, Director of the Human Rights Centre, Burgi Volgger, President of the EOI, Josef Siegele, Secretary General of the EOI.
[Events and Updates]

University of Padua: signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the European Ombudsman Institute and the Italian Ombudsman Institute

On Monday, June 11th, at 12 a.m, at the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, Burgi Volgger and Josef Siegele, respectively President and Secretary General of the European Ombudsman ...

Last update 21 Jun 2012
From the left: Marco Mascia, Director of the Human Rights Centre, Burgi Volgger, President of the EOI, Josef Siegele, Secretary General of the EOI.
[Photo Galleries]

The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the European Ombudsman Institute and the Italian Ombudsman Institute

On Monday, June 11 at 12 am, at the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua was signed a  Memorandum of Understanding between the European Ombudsman Institute (EOI) and the Italian ...

Last update 14 Jun 2012
Session of the Human Rights Council, Geneva 2011.
[Events and Updates]

Study-trip to Geneva for the students of the University of Padua and of the European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation

From 13 to 17 May 2012, a group of 25 students of the Master's Degree in Institutions and policies of human rights and peace of the University of Padua, together with five students of the European ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019

Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights, 3/2011

AA.VV. (2011)

Rivista "Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights"

Last update 17 May 2012
Workshop "Education to intercultural dialogue", University of Padua, 22-23 March 2011Workshop "Education to intercultural dialogue", University of Padua, 22-23 March 2011
[Events and Updates]

Luiss School of Government: Summer School “Parliamentary Democracy in Europe”, Rome, 16-20 July 2012

The LUISS School of Government, in cooperation with Nova Universitas, organises an intensive summer course “Parliamentary Democracy in Europe”, on the topic: National ...

Last update 11 Apr 2012