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Contents tagged with key-word:   Violence

Simona Lanzoni, elected for two consecutive terms as a member of the Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) of the Council of Europe
[Events and Updates]

Council of Europe: Simona Lanzoni of Italy re-elected as member of GREVIO

The Committee of the States Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention), which met on 1st April 2019 in ...

Last update 3 Apr 2019

Annuario italiano dei diritti umani 2018

AA.VV. (2018)

Annuario italiano / Italian Yearbook

Last update 2 Mar 2021
TEMVI Project Video
[Institutional Contents]


The video of the TEMVI Project aims at raising awareness and knowledge on the phenomenon of trafficking for the purpose of forced criminal activities among potential victims, social ...

Last update 30 Jan 2017
[Events and Updates]

Italy: presentation of the Extraordinary Action Plan against the gender and sexual violence

On May 7th, the “Extraordinary Action Plan against gender and sexual violence" was presented in Rome at the premises of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The Action Plan was ...

Last update 19 Nov 2015
Students of the Master's Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, A.A. 2014/2015 take a picture with their arms crossed to join the UN global campaign Stop rape now
[Events and Updates]

MA Degree Programme in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance: the students have joined the United Nations Campaign “Stop rape now”

In the context of the course on Women’s human rights held by Ms Luisa Cremonese, the students of the MA Degree Programme in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance of the University of Padua ...

Last update 26 Mar 2019
logo UniPD

List of journalists murdered since Ukrainian independence

Since independence of Ukraine more than 60 journalists died, either during their professional duties or under the mysterious circumstances. Ukrainian government treats them not as performers of ...

Last update 2 Jan 2015
“UN Women for Peace” March Marking International Women’s Day.
[Events and Updates]

Council of Europe: Conference on the entry into force of the Istanbul Convention, Rome, 19 September 2014

On 19 September 2014, in Rome, an international conference will take place on the occasion of celebrating the entry into force (1 August 2014) of the Convention on preventing and combating violence ...

Last update 16 Sep 2014
Logo of the musical competition Voci per la libertà. Una canzone per Amnesty
[Events and Updates]

Amnesty International and Voci della Liberta reward the best song in Italian dedicated to human rights

"Atto di forza", by Francesco and Max Gazzè is the winning song of the twelfth edition of the Italian Amnesty International Award, established in 2003 by Amnesty International Italy and ...

Last update 18 May 2014
Logo Human Rights Day 2013 "20 Years working for your rights"
[Institutional Contents]

International Human Rights Day 2013 "Violence against women and human rights"

Teatro Accademico, Castelfranco Veneto (TV), Wednesday 11th December 2013. A human rights based reflection on sexual discrimination and violence against women. Possible operational responses for ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
[Events and Updates]

Presentation of the volume “La protezione delle donne vittime di violenza nella prospettiva diritti umani” by Paola Degani and Roberto della Rocca at “La Fiera delle Parole” of Padua.

On 12th October 2013, Paola Degani, Aggregate Professor of Human Rights and Women Condition at the University of Padua and Roberto della Rocca, Deputy Commissioner of the State Police and Director ...

Last update 26 Feb 2016

La protezione delle donne vittime di violenza nella prospettiva dei diritti umani

Paola Degani, Roberto Della Rocca (2013)

I Quaderni del Centro diritti umani

Last update 30 Mar 2021
Photo on the subject of violence against women in East Timor. Black and white image of the faded silhouette and hand of a woman.
[Events and Updates]

Italy: The Istanbul Convention on violence against women has become law

The Senate of the Republic has unanimously and definitevely approved the law of ratification of the Council of Europe's Convention on preventing and combatting violence against women and domestic ...

Last update 7 Jul 2013
Photo on the subject of violence against women in East Timor. Black and white image of the faded silhouette and hand of a woman.
[Events and Updates]

Italy: the Chamber of Deputies approves the Bill on the ratification of the Istanbul Convention on violence against women

On May 28th, 2013, the Chamber of Deputies has uninamously approved (545 votes on 545) the bill for the ratification and the execution of the Council of Europe’s Convention on preventing and ...

Last update 7 Jun 2013
[Events and Updates]

Region of Veneto: a new regional law on violence against women has been adopted

On 10 April 2013 the Regional Council of Veneto unanimously approved the law “Regional interventions to prevent and contrast the violence against women” By this law, the ...

Last update 25 Apr 2013
Photo on the subject of violence against women in East Timor. Black and white image of the faded silhouette and hand of a woman.
[Institutional Contents]

The human rights perspective concerning sexual exploitation and gender-based violence

Library “Piergiorgio Cancellieri” of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, Thursday 13 and Friday 14 December 2012   Cycle of Seminars with dr Roberto della ...

Last update 18 Sep 2014