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[Institutional Contents]

Presentation of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2012 at the Regional Committee for human rights and a culture of peace

Venice, Palazzo Balbi Monday, 15th October 2012, 12 p.m Press Conference Presentation of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2012 On Monday 15th October 2012, the Committee for human rights and ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
Paperback cover of Regional Conference "La regione del veneto per i diritti umani, la pace e la cooperazione allo sviluppo", Padua, 2002. Drawing of a book with two hands gathering on centre-stage, on background Balbi palace, head office of Regional Counc

Committee for Human Rights and a Culture of Peace

The Committee for human rights and a culture of peace was established by Regional Law n. 55/1999, Art. 12. The Committee has the task of contributing to the development of triennial programmes, ...

Last update 11 Mar 2019
A wall with the Garden's motto
[Institutional Contents]

Two meetings on human rights with the Italian Ambassador Enrico Calamai

The Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies of the University of Padova hosts two meetings with the Italian Ambassador Enrico Calamai to debate and reflect with students on ...

Last update 26 Jan 2017
The United Nations Human Right Council in session.
[Institutional Contents]

Study trip to Geneva of post-graduate students on human rights of the University of Padova (1-5 May 2011)

From 1st-5th May 2011, the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova and the Post-graduate Course in Institutions and Policies of Human Rights and Peace of the University of Padova, with the ...

Last update 26 Jan 2017
Session of the Human Rights Council, Geneva 2011.
[Institutional Contents]

Study trip to Geneva for the Master's Degree in Human Rights students (2012)

From 13th-17th May 2012, a group of 25 students of the Master’s Degree Course in Institutions and Politics of Human Rights and Peace of the University of Padova and 5 students of the ...

Last update 26 Jan 2017
[Institutional Contents]

Review "Pace, diritti dell'uomo, diritti dei popoli” (Peace, human rights, rights of the peoples)

1987 marks the starting point of the four-monthly Review "Pace, diritti dell'uomo, diritti dei popoli" (Peace, human rights, rights of the peoples) - firstly published by Liviana Publishing, then by ...

Last update 24 Apr 2020
UN Security Council Simulation on the situation in Syria, prepared by the students of the Bachelor degree course in “Political Science, International Relations and Human Rights” - Course of International Relations, prof. Marco Mascia, University of Padua.
[Institutional Contents]

UN Security Council Simulation on the situation in Syria

University of Padova, March 18th 2013 Students enrolled in the Bachelor degree course in “Political Science, International Relations and Human Rights” at the University of Padua ...

Last update 26 Jan 2017
logo UniPD
[Institutional Contents]

Presentation of the Human Rights Centre

The Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova The Centre was founded in 1982, as the first structural response of the Italian Academia to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to the ...

Last update 26 Jan 2017
Study trip to Geneva of post-graduate students on human rights of the University of Padua (19-23 May 2013)
[Institutional Contents]

Study trip to Geneva for the students of the Master's Degree in Human Rights (2013)

From May 19th to 23rd 2013, the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova and the Master’s Degree Course in Institutions and Politics of Human Rights and Peace, with the support of the ...

Last update 26 Jan 2017
General view of the the European Parliament hemicycle, Strasbourg, 2009
[Institutional Contents]

Simulation of the European Parliament Constitutional Affairs Committee

The students of the BA degree course Political Science, International Relations and Human Rights of the University of Padua carried out a simulation session of the European Parliament Constitutional ...

Last update 26 Jan 2017
Studenti del Master Europeo in Diritti umani e democratizzazione mentre assistono ad una lezione.
[Institutional Contents]

E.MA - European Master

The European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA), created in 1997 on the initiative of the Human Rights Centre of University of Padova and promoted directly by ...

Last update 26 Jan 2017
Flag of Union for the Mediterranean composed by two orizontal bands, the upper part is white (hope), the lower part is blue (the Mediterranean Sea).
[Institutional Contents]

Cooperation in Euromediterranean initiatives

Since 2009, the Human Rights Centre has collaborated with educational and cultural initiatives promoted within the framework of the Union for the Mediterranean.   EMUNI In July 2009, the ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Some Haitians women are building a makeshift home
[Institutional Contents]

Starting up and project work processing

The PW starting up procedure is the following: 1) If interested, the potential partner communicates their willingness to join the PW programme to the project managerand selects a PW Coordinator ...

Last update 26 Jan 2017
The official logo for UN constituted by the polar stereographic projection of the globe surrounded by two laurel branches
[Institutional Contents]

Collaboration with the United Nations System

The Human Rights Centre has undertaken several cooperation activities with specific bodies and agencies of the United Nations System. UNESCO In 1999, the Centre signed a Memorandum of ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019