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Symbolic poster that shows freedom of the press, with an image of a boy holding a newspaper and a camera.
[Events and Updates]

Council of Europe: Report on the protection of media freedom in Europe

The Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has recently adopted a new Report on the protection of media freedom in ...

Last update 29 Jan 2015
A sign with the text "Conseil de l'Europe" in French, with the flags of some member states hanging above.
[Events and Updates]

European Committee of Social Rights: updates on collective complaints submitted against Italy

The following are the latest updates on some collective complaints against Italy, lodged to the European Committee of Social Rights, that is a Committee composed of 15 independent experts whose ...

Last update 23 Jan 2015
Letters to the members of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations
[Events and Updates]

Human Rights Council: Informal consultations of the Working Group on a draft United Nations Declaration on the Right to Peace, Geneva, 30 January 2015

Human Rights Council resolution 27/17 of 25 September 2014 requested the Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Working Group on a draft United Nations Declaration on the Right to Peace to conduct informal ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
Logo UNIPD - Iversity Mooc
[Institutional Contents]

MOOC on “Human Rights: Global & Local Protection”

On Friday, 30 January 2015, the University of Padua launches its first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the European platform The MOOC on ‘Human Rights: Global & Local ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
Vincenzo Pace, Docente di Religioni e società nella Laurea magistrale in Istituzioni e politiche dei diritti umani e della pace, Università di Padova
[Events and Updates]

A prestigious award assigned to Professor Vincenzo Pace, member of the current Board of Directors of the Human Rights Centre

The German University of Vechta has assigned the “Hoffmann Academic Award for intercultural competence” to Professor Vincenzo Pace. The award, which has come to its 4th edition, will ...

Last update 14 Jan 2015
View of the Giudecca island from Saint Mark Square, Venice
[Events and Updates]

EIUC: Training seminar on the “EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, Venice, 6-7 February 2015

The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) promotes, from 6 to 7 February 2015, a training seminar on “EU Charter of Fundamental Rights” at the ...

Last update 14 Jan 2015
Logo of Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo
[Events and Updates]

Italy: The National Council for development cooperation has been established

The Ministerial Decree dated 28 November 2014 of the Minister for foreign affairs and international cooperation, published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic No. 286 of 10 December ...

Last update 9 Jan 2015
Migrants arriving on the Island of Lampedusa by boat
[Events and Updates]

Chambers of Deputies: a Commission of Inquiry on Centres for migrants has been established

The Italian Chamber of Deputies approved the creation of a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry regarding Italy’s migrant reception and identification system as well as the conditions of ...

Last update 24 Dec 2014
A migrant boat arriving on the island of Lampedusa
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants concluded his visit to Italy

From 2 to 5 December 2014, the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, François Crépeau, conducted a follow -up official visit to Italy in order to assess new ...

Last update 30 Dec 2014
Students attending the First round of the Padua Human Rights Laboratory for the Master degree programme in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, Human Rights Centre, novembre 2013
[Institutional Contents]

Padua Human Rights Laboratory A.Y. 2014-15

The newly established Human Rights and Multi-level Governance master program wishes to put Padua students and staff in contact with leading scholars, field officers, NGO experts, diplomats and other ...

Last update 26 Mar 2019

We have a right to peace!

Documentazione (2014)


Last update 12 Dec 2014
logo UniPD

Bibliography and references for the Dossier on 'Human Rights in Ukraine'

Legal framework: Constitution of Ukraine of 1995 Constitution of Ukraine with the amendments and supplements of December, 8, 2004 ...

Last update 2 Jan 2015
Amnesty International UK held a mass demostration in Downing Street, calling on the UK government not to turn a blind eye to torture
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: UN Subcommittee on prevention of torture announced country visits for 2015 in Guatemala, Italy, Nauru and the Philippines

On 26th November 2014, the UN Subcommittee on prevention of torture (SPT) announced that Guatemala, Italy, Nauru and the Philippines are among the countries it plans to visit in 2015. The ...

Last update 3 Dec 2014
Film Festival's logo
[Events and Updates]

EIUC: With Open Eyes: Human Rights in Focus, Human Rights film Festival, Venice, 6-7 December 2014

The city of Venice will host the fifth edition of the Human rights Film Festival titled “With open Eyes: Human Rights in Focus”, which will take place in Spazio Porto on 6th and 7th ...

Last update 3 Dec 2014
Members of the Yearbook Research and Editing Group (from the left: Pietro de Perini, Andrea Cofelice, Antonio Papisca, Director of the Yearbook, Paolo De Stefani, Claudia Pividori and Marco Mascia, Director of the Padua's Human Rights Centre
[Photo Galleries]

Presentation of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2014, Rome 19 November

On Wednesday 19th November 2014 the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2014 edited by the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua was presented at the headquarters of the Italian Society for ...

Last update 27 Nov 2014