Last Updates

UNICEF logo, United Nations fund for childhood, representing a woman and baby silhouette inside a stylized globe
[Events and Updates]

Human Rights Centre: inauguration of a room dedicated to Iqbal Masih and Arnoldo Farina

Thursday 24 June 2010 at 11.00 am a ceremony will be held for the dedication of a room of the Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples of the University of Padua to the ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Panoramic view of the participants at the 1st Thematic NPM Workshop on “The role of NPMs in preventing ill-treatment in psychiatric institutions”, Padua 24-25 March 2010
[Events and Updates]

15-16 June: in Padua a Council of Europe training seminar for European Ombudsmen on combating trafficking of human beings

The first seminar of 2010 of the project "Peer to Peer II”, funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, is organised on 15 and 16 June in Padua on "Combating trafficking in human ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Wide view of Hall XX, where the Human Rights Council gathers, Palace of Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010.
[Events and Updates]

Human Rights Council - Italy’s responses to UPR recommendations

On June 9th, 2010, The United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) definitively adopted the Report A/HRC/14/4 of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), containing 92 recommendations ...

Last update 30 Sep 2010
A photo of two hands holding the world, with Europe in view.
[Events and Updates]

Committee of the Regions: Atelier on the elaboration of an European Charter on Multilevel Governance: 22 June 2010

On Tuesday June 22 in Brussels the eleventh Atelier of the Committee of the Regions will be held with the following title: The elaboration of a European Charter on Multilevel Governance; a ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Panoramic view of the Police Head Quarters in Padua
[Events and Updates]

Closing of the cycle of seminars on the theme "Urban Security and Human Rights"

On Monday 14 June 2010, at the flying squad's head office of the State Police, the cycle of seminars on "Urban Security and Human Rights" will come to an end with a seminar committed to the "Danger ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
A line of Red Cross trucks driving through a conflict zone
[Events and Updates]

Multinational CIMIC Group: Seminar on the role and working mothodologies of the Red Cross in war areas. Motta di Livenza, 16 june 2010

The Multinational CIMIC Group of Motta di Livenza will host on Wednesday 16 june 2010 a seminar on the role and working methodologies of the International Committee of the Red Cross in war areas, ...

Last update 30 Sep 2010
Photo on the subject of violence against women in East Timor. Black and white image of the faded silhouette and hand of a woman.
[Events and Updates]

“Social protection, territory and human rights. Which future for multi-agency operative models regarding counter-trafficking”, Venice, 21 may 2010.

On 21 may 2010, at Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista in Venice, will take place the Conference “Protezione Sociale, Territorio e Diritti umani. Quali prospettive per la costruzione di ...

Last update 24 May 2010
Khavaran Cemetery, where thousands of political prisoners were buried in mass graves
[Events and Updates]

University of Padua: meeting with Peyvand Mansura, representative of International Tribunal for Iran

University of Padua will host, on 26 and 27 may, Peyvand Mansura, Iranian journalist for Pars agency during the Shah regime, and political prisoner for ten years under the Khomeinist period. The ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Nonviolent Peaceforce
[Events and Updates]

Human Rights Centre, 24 May 2010: Seminar "Civil Peacekeeping. The work for peace of the Nonviolent Peaceforce"

On Monday 24 May 2010, from 15.00-17.00, at the "P. Cancellieri" Library of the Human Rights Centre, Via Martiri della Libertà- Padua, a study seminar on the theme "Civil Peacekeeping. The work for ...

Last update 28 May 2010
View of the ancient courtyard of Bo palace, Headquarters of the University of Padua
[Events and Updates]

Closing ceremony of the first Course of Higher Education for experts in "Civic Education, human rights, citizenship, constitution", Monday 7 June 2010, Aula Nievo - Palazzo del Bo, University of Padua

The closing ceremony of the first Course of Higher Education for teachers experienced in "Civic education, human rights, citizenship, constitution" will take place on 7 June 2010 during the day, ...

Last update 29 Mar 2019
Nonviolent Peaceforce
[Institutional Contents]

Seminar "Civil peacekeeping. The peace activity of Nonviolent Peaceforce"

On monday the 24th of may 2010, at 15.00-17.00 in the Human Rights Centre's Library “P. Cancellieri”, Via Martiri della Libertà 2- Padova, there will be a Seminar on "Civil ...

Last update 27 Jun 2012
Khavaran Cemetery, where thousands of political prisoners were buried in mass graves
[Institutional Contents]

Meeting with Peyvand Mansura, co-founder of International Tribunal for Iran

Meeting with Peyvand Mansura, co-founder of International Tribunal for Iran. Wednesday 26 may 2010 Islam and human rights in Iran 9h00 – 10h30, B1 room, Ca' Borin, Faculty of Political ...

Last update 27 Jun 2012

Diritti umani e violenza contro le donne: recenti sviluppi in materia di tutela internazionale

Paola Degani (2000)

I Quaderni del Centro diritti umani

Last update 20 May 2010

Codice internazionale dei diritti umani

Paolo De Stefani (2009)

I Quaderni del Centro diritti umani

Last update 20 May 2010

Raccolta di strumenti internazionali sui diritti umani

Paolo De Stefani (2004)

I Quaderni del Centro diritti umani

Last update 20 May 2010