
human rights

Cities for Life: Conference by Suezann Bosler, Padua, 25 November 2015

  • Event date: 25 November 2015
  • Venue: Padua, Teatro Ruzante
Suezann Bosler, fondatrice di Journey of Hope associazione di parenti delle vittime contro la pena capitale

Meeting with Suezann Bosler, founder of the Association Journey of Hope, wich represents the relatives of the death penalty victims.

The conference will take place within the international global action Cities for Life: on the 30th November, Padua and more than 2.000 cities of the planet will turn the lights on for a World free from death penalty.

The Conference is promoted by Comunità di Sant'Egidio with the partnership of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, Università Solidale, Diritti+Umani 2015.

The International Day of the Cities for Life/ Cities Against Death Penalty takes place every year on the 30th November. It represents the widest global action in favour of the highest and most civilized way of justice, able to definitely renounce to death penalty.

See the event on Facebook




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