Extreme sentences: life sentence and torture. A critical analysis of punishments, Padova, 6-7 June 2014
Event date: 6-7 June 2014

Ristretti Orizzonti, the University of Padua and the Association Antigone carry out two seminars on life sentence and torture in order to start a debate for a more human and fair criminal justice system.
The first meeting titled “Without life sentence. For a less vindictive society” takes place on Friday 6 June 2014, from 9.00 to 16.00, at Due Palazzi Prison in Padua. The seminar is coordinated by Francesca Vianello, Professor at the University of Padua. The event represents an opportunity to listen to the personal experiences of detainees sentenced to life and of their families, and to hear different points of view of some experts who reflected on possible future solutions for the creation of a more suitable criminal system that refuses life sentences and that does not want to “throw anyone away.” Alessandra Celletti, pianist and composer, together with the singer Enrico Nascimbeni, accompany the meeting with some pieces.
The second meeting titled “Without torture. A State which does not kill” takes place on Saturday 7 June 2014, from 9.00 to 17.00, in the Sala delle Edicole of Liviano Palace and saw the participation of experts, relatives of the victims and representatives of associations.The seminar is coordinated by Giuseppe Mosconi, Professor at the University of Padua.