“From the project ‘White Helmets beyond revenges’ to civilian peace corps”, University of Padua, 8 July 2014
Event date: Tuesday 8 July 2014
Time: 10.00 am
Venue: Aula Magna “Galileo Galilei” of the University of Padua

The Conference aims to introduce the pilot Civil Service project in Albania called “White Helmets beyond revenges”, which was carried out by the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII Association, by Italian Caritas and by the Federation Christian Bodies International Voluntary Service (FOCSIV) on the basis of a tender of the National Office for the Civil Service and it intends to deepen the debate on the civilian peace corps’s role in the prevention and in the non-violent resolution of conflicts. The event consists of two roundtables.
The first one is dedicated to the presentation of the book “White Helmets beyond revenges. Experimenting Civil Service and unarmed and nonviolent defense to know and to transform conflicts”, published by Cleup (Padua), in the Volume Series “Interdisciplinary research and documentation on Human rights” of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua. The following people will participate in the meeting: Renzo Guolo, Professor of Sociology of cultural processes at the University of Padua; Samuele Filippini,co-author of the research, Phd Researcher in international cooperation; Valentina Rodofili, Volunteer in Civil Service in the project “White Helmets beyond revenges”, Federica Cova, Volunteer in Civil Service, Graduate in Institutions and Policies of Human Rights and Peace; Primo Di Blasio, FOCSIV volunteers in the world.
The second roundtable, referring to the pilot Civil Service project in Albania, aims to deepen the discussion of training and field testing civilian peace corps, in accordance with the provisions contained in the Stability Law 2014. The following people will attend the debate: Nicola Lapenta, Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII Association, Licio Palazzini, President of CNESC, Martina Pignatti Morano,Tavolo Interventi Civili di Pace, Diego Cipriani, Italian Caritas.
The following special guests have been invited to the event: Luigi Bobba, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour and Social Politics responsible for the National Civil Service and for the third sector; Giulio Marcon, Chamber of deputies; Calogero Mauceri, Head of the youth Department and of the National Civil Service.
The Volunteers in Civil Service at the University of Padua and in other local bodies and institutions of the Region of Veneto will be present at the meeting as well.
The initiative is jointly promoted by the Human Rights Centre and Servizio Valorizzazione del Personale of the University of Padua, by the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII Association, by Italian Caritas and by FOCSIV and it will take place in cooperation with the Conferenza Nazionale Enti Servizio Civile (CNESC).