
human rights

In cammino per la pace, Padova, 9 December 2021

  • Event date: Thursday 9 December 2021
  • Time: 8.45 p.m.
  • Venue: Padova, Teatro Ruzante
Marcia PerugiAssisi, foto di repertorio

On the eve of the International Human Rights Day
On the 40th anniversary of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova
60 years after the first Perugia-Assisi March

In cammino per la pace

Screening of the film

La storia della PerugiAssisi

by Rai Storia
Videos, photos, testimonies and reflections with the organisers and participants of the PerugiAssisi March

Students and young people in civil service participating in the March
Marco Mascia, Director of the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, Democracy and Peace,  Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca" of the University of Padova.
Flavio Lotti, Coordinator of the PerugiAssisi March
Francesca Benciolini, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Padua
Marco Piccolo, President of Banca Etica Foundation
don Albino Bizzotto, founder of the Beati Costruttori di Pace
Alberto Trevisan, trainer (among the first conscientious objectors)

The Covid-19 green pass is required to enter the theatre.
For further information:
Centro di Ateneo per i Diritti Umani "Antonio Papisca", University of Padua, 049 827 1811, email
Comitato promotore Marcia PerugiAssisi, Perugia - 335.6590356 email - -



peace human rights PerugiAssisi March


Human Rights Centre UNESCO Chair