International Human Rights Day 2013 “La città che sogna” (The Dreaming City), Padua, 9th December 2013
Event date: 9 December 2013
Venue: Petrarca Room, Cinema MPX, Padua

Young school students, taking part in the educational path “I have a dream - citizenship, differences, dialogue”, will meet on Monday 9th December to share their collective project and to submit it to the representatives of local institutions and of the Municipality.
Claudio Piron – Town Councillor to educational policies, Padua Municipality
Presentation of projects by students from primary and secondary school
Awarding of a diploma illustrating the "citizenship tree" deep-rooted in human rights, to 400 young students recognised as “pioneers of plural citizenship” (Italian, Paduan, of Veneto, European)
Final event of Settembre Pedagogico (Pedagogical September) “I have a dream”, addressed to students, parents and teachers to value the central role of school in the society. The event is promoted by Padua Municipality. Councillor's office for educational policies, September- December 2013.
Settembre Pedagogico aims to reaffirm the centrality of school for the city, the commitment of the Municipality, and to value the great wealth of experience and educational projects generated from the collaboration between public institutions, educational institutions and civil society.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the unforgettable speech "I Have a Dream", pronounced by Martin Luther King on August 28 1963 and become a reference for millions of people who struggle for freedom, justice and fundamental rights, the theme of " Pedagogical September " 2013 has been the dream, in its individual dimension, as a life project and in its collective dimension, as a political project.
The educational path has involved children and teens from seven classes of primary school and thirteen classes of secondary school.
The meeting will be attended by teachers and headmasters of the schools of Padua, authorities and public administrators. The initiative is organized by the Cooperative E- Sfaira .