International Human Rights Day 2013 "Violence against women and human rights", Castelfranco Veneto, 11th December 2013
Event date: 11th December 2013
Venue: Teatro Accademico, Castelfranco Veneto (TV)

Teatro Accademico, Castelfranco Veneto (TV), Wednesday 11th December 2013. A human rights based reflection on sexual discrimination and violence against women. Possible operational responses for protection.
Speaking about human rights means being aware of having a high personal and social responsibility to be spent in terms of solidarity and civic engagement. The drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights intended human rights as "practical truths".
(Antonio Papisca, Comment of the Preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
9 / 9.30 am
Greetings session
Nadia Sibillin
Headmaster of ISIS "F. Nightingale" Castelfranco Veneto
Marco Mascia
Director of the Human Rights Centre, University of Padua
Gianna Viola
Deputy Director of the Regional School Office of Veneto
9.30 / 12.00 am
Round Table
Paola Degani
Human Rights Centre, University of Padua
Patrizia Zantedeschi
Anti-violence Centre of Padua
Cristina Greggio
Vice-President of the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Veneto Region
Stefano Quaglia
Director of Education of Verona
12.00 / 13.00 am
Public Debate
The initiative is promoted by: ISIS "F. Nightingale" of Castelfranco Veneto; Human Rights Centre, University of Padua; Regional School Office of Veneto; Province of Treviso; Municipality of Castelfranco Veneto, Department of Culture.
For information:
I.S.I.S. “F. Nightingale”
via Verdi, 60 - Castelfranco V. (TV)
tel. 0423.472801 fax 0423.472390
segreteria AT
Human Rights Centre
University of Padua
Via Martiri della Libertà, 2 - 35137 Padova
tel. 049. 827 1811