International Human Rights Day at the University of Padua, 10 December 2014: We have a Right to Peace, University of Padua, 10 December 2014
Event date: Wednesday 10 December 2014
Time: 10.30 am to 1.00 pm
Venue: University of Padua, Palazzo del Bo, Aula Magna

On 10 December 2014, the Human Rights Centre will celebrate Human Rights Day 2014, focusing on the issue “We have a right to peace”. The event will take place at 10.30 am, at Aula Magna “Galileo Galilei” of the University of Padua.
This year, the event will represent a very important and significant moment due to the fact that almost 300 Italian municipalities, provinces and regions have approved the petitionary motion for the international recognition of peace as a fundamental right of individuals and peoples.
The ongoing mobilization in Italy has aroused great interest at the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the 47 Member States of the Council of Europe, thanks to the initiative of the Municipality of Strasbourg.
During these weeks, the President of the Intergovernmental Working Group of the UN Human Rights Council is conducting informal consultations at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, on the finalisation of the text of the United Nations Declaration on the Right to Peace.
The challenge is now to put pressure on the Intergovernmental Working Group to conclude its work by delivering a Document that truly recognizes the human right to peace and the related legal obligations, without being another example of general guidelines on the culture of peace.
Among the delegations that have already confirmed their participation, there will be a delegation from Assisi, represented by the Municipality of Assisi and by the Sacro Convento of San Francesco. All the mayors who are currently committed to building peace from the bottom and who are trying to make their voice directly heard by the United Nations will play a central role on this occasion.
Professors, students, and representatives of non-governmental organisations are also invited to participate in the event.
If you want to participate, please complete the following online form to register.
The event will be broadcast live on Radio Bue - The web radio of the University of Padua
Opening music
Welcome speech
Giuseppe Zaccaria, Rector of the University of Padua
Marco Mascia, Director of the Human Rights Centre
Maria Luisa Coppola, Assessor for Human Rights, Region of Veneto
Alberto Danieli, Headmaster of the School Duca d'Aosta, Padua
The strategic importance of the right to peace
Antonio Papisca, UNESCO Chair on Human Rights, Democracy and Peace, University of Padua
Presentation of the proposal addressed to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations
The message of Assisi
Claudio Ricci, Mayor of Assisi
p. Egidio Canil, Delegate of the Sacro Convento of San Francesco of Assisi
Video "We have a Right to Peace" Peace March PerugiAssisi, 19 October 2014
The Cities for Human Rights and Peace
Giancarlo Piva, Mayor of Este
Enrico Rinuncini , Mayor of Ponte San Nicolò
Giusy Armiletti, Mayor of Dueville
Isabella Sala, Assessor for Communities and families, Municipality of Vicenza
Daniela Zanussi, Municipality of Treviso
Ringing of the Peace Bell of Rovereto
Alberto Robol, Regent of Bell Foundation Fallen, Rovereto; President of the Active citizenship Commission, culture of peace, Human Rights Club of Strasbourg
Flavio Lotti, Director of the National Coordination of Local Authorities for Peace and Human Rights
d. Albino Bizzotto, President of the Association Beati Costruttori di Pace, Mayors for Peace
Video "Peace Has Your Signature" Peace Without Borders
The University, the School, the Associations and the Civil Service for Peace and Human Rights
Laura Schubert, student of the Master Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance of the University of Padua
Ersilia Filosa and Monica Dario, Professors of the School Duca d' Aosta, Padua
Caroline Salazar, Regional Delegate of the Civil Service volunteers, University of Padua
Video Students of the University of Padua at the PerugiAssisi