Online book presentation: The United Nations Commission on Human Rights. A Very Great Enterprise, by John P. Pace, 8 April 2021
Event date: Thursday, 8 April 2021
Time: 16:30 – 18.00
Venue: online

Marco MASCIA, UNESCO Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace”, Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca”, University of Padova
Introduces and coordinates
Manfred NOWAK, Secretary General of the Global Campus, Independent Expert for the United Nations Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty
Keynote speech
The origin and emergence of human rights education in the work of the Commission on Human Rights
John PACE, Secretary of the former UN Commission on Human Rights, Coordinator of the Vienna World Conference on Human Rights
George ULRICH, Academic Director, Global Campus of Human Rights
Paola DEGANI, Grevio National Expert for Italy, University of Padova
Paolo DE STEFANI, Academic Coordinator, MA Degree Programme “Human Rights
and Multi-level Governance", Human Rights Centre, University of Padova
Arianna SAULINI, Save the Children Chair “Children’s Rights”, University of Padova
In this book, John P. Pace provides the most complete account to-date of the United Nations human rights programme, both in substance and in chronological breadth. Pace worked at the heart of this programme for over thirty years, including as the Secretary of the Commission on Human Rights, and Coordinator of the World Conference on Human Rights, which took place in Vienna in 1993.
John P. Pace is a human rights lawyer who works on projects across the world as well as teaching and providing specialized training. His expertise is largely drawn from his career at the United Nations including his role as Secretary to the Commission on Human Rights and to the Vienna World Conference on Human Rights which re-set the human rights agenda. He is Senior Visiting Fellow at the University of New South Wales and Adjunct at the Sydney Centre for International Law at the University of Sydney.