

Photo Exhibition "VolunTour: Better Environment – Better Tomorrow", Centro di Ateneo per i Diritti Umani, 28 February - 16 March 2018

  • Event date: From 28th February to 16th March 2018
  • Venue: Centro di Ateneo per i Diritti Umani “Antonio Papisca” - Aula Iqbal Masih, Via Martiri della Libertà, 2 - Università di Padova

150 days in Nepal with the European Voluntary Service (EVS)


The exhibition, that is the closing event of the project “VolunTour: Better Environment – Better Tomorrow”, is a travelling story of 150 days in the Kathmandu Valley, seen through the eyes of solidarity, not of a tourist.

The project involved the local population of the Kavresthali village in the context of environmental protection and waste management.

The common theme of the photo exhibition is the concept of “change” at the social level for the promotion of a sustainable development as well as at an individual level, since it was also an experience of personal growth and training, thanks to the international mobility programme provided by the European Voluntary Service.

Opening day: Wednesday 28th February 2018, h. 17.00



Marco Mascia, Director of the Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca”, University of Padova

Claudia Pividori, President of Association Peace Human Rights Alumni

Presentation of the Exhibition

Milena Anzani, Volunteer in Nepal with Joint/EVS

Alice Caccia, Joint, Associazione di promozione sociale


Camila Casal, United for Nepal

Daniele Marino, student of the MA in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance


Calendar of the exhibition: everyday from Monday to Friday, from 9.30 to 17.00, until 16th March 2018.

The event is promoted in collaboration with Associazione Joint, United for Nepal, Associazione Peace Human Rights Alumni, VolunTour, Volunteers Initiative Nepal.

For further information, please visit the Italian page of the exhibition.




environment cooperation poverty sustainability Nepal


Human Rights Centre Opportunities for students