Protecting the victims of grave exploitation and trafficking dealing with new vulnerabilities. What policies to improve the existing operation systems?, Padua, 3 November 2011
Event date: 3 November 2011
Time: 9.30 - 17.00
Venue: Human Rights Centre, University of Padua, Via Martiri della Libertà, 2

The purpose of this workshop is to create an opportunity of dialogue for different actors involved in the care of trafficking victims in the area of Triveneto. The workshop focuses on the need of effectiveness of the existing protection mechanisms and, as a consequence, on the consistency of adopted policies with human rights standards established by the existing law on foreign citizens involved in situations of grave exploitation, even in relation to the new dimensions of vulnerability.
The workshop pays particular attention to the analysis of characteristics – nationality and origin – of people that have been arriving in Italy, following the crisis broken out in many Mediterranean countries during the last months. The travel patterns followed by many people to arrive in this region emphasize some elements: on one side, the need to have a transversal operation systems as to the different typologies of individual protection and residence permit; on the other side, the lack of differentiation of routes and management on the basis of different categories of migrants. In other words, these migration flows seem to unquestionably confirm the current mix of enforced migrations, migrations for economic reasons or migrations linked to smuggling activities – aggravated by the purpose of exploitation – and to the trafficking in human beings.
This scenario deserves a deeper consideration, mainly, for what concerns the identification and reception methods provided for our legal framework in order to meet the needs of different categories of vulnerable people. This workshop considers different operation systems and different forms of protection provided for by single laws, which probably need an improved harmonization in order to better handle the many and different vulnerabilities. This need stems from two observations: firstly, the need to consider the total impact of these migrant flows on the protection systems established for different categories of migrants. Secondly, the need to consider the objective difficulties observed as to the application of the law in the matter of foreigners treatment: these difficulties make more difficult to find out situations of grave exploitation and to identify the victims.
Full programme, information and attachments about this event are available in Italian.
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