Sport for the protection of children's rights - Impact analysis on the activity of Inter Campus as a promoter of dialogue and development, Padova, 1 December 2021
Event date: 1 December 2021
Time: 3:00-5:30 p.m.
Venue: Archivio Antico, Palazzo Bo - University of Padova

Seminar presenting the research report "An Assist to the Rights of Children and Girls. The Inter Campus project and representations of stakeholders", conducted by the Human Rights Center "Antonio Papisca" based on an agreement with Inter Campus. Inter Campus, since 1997, has been promoting social interventions and long-term cooperation in 30 countries around the world with the support of 300 local operators, using the game of soccer as an educational tool to restore the Right to Play to girls and boys, between 6 and 13 years of age, who are deprived of it. The research analyzed the activities promoted by Inter Campus in six contexts-countries among those in which it currently operates-Angola, Bosnia, Cambodia, Colombia, Mexico, and Israel-Palestine. The general objectives were, on the one hand, to assess whether and to what extent the promotion of rights was actually introjected by the actors responsible for project implementation; on the other hand, to detect what were the evaluations of the "beneficiaries" about the expected and achieved outcomes in terms of education and well-being.
Moderator: Andrea De Cesco, Corriere della Sera
Address of greetings
Antonio Paoli, Pro-Rector for Sport and Wellbeing, University of Padova
Gabriella Salviulo, Director of the Human Rights Center "Antonio Papisca," University of Padova
Inter Campus introduction and motivation behind the research
Carlotta Moratti, President of Inter Campus
Edoardo Caldara, Inter Campus General Manager
Presentation of results
Marco Mascia, UNESCO Chair Human Rights, Democracy and Peace, Human Rights Center "Antonio Papisca," University of Padova
Davide Girardi, research team member, Human Rights Center "Antonio Papisca," University of Padova
Andrea Cofelice, research team member, Human Rights Center "Antonio Papisca," University of Padova, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI)
Jacopo Tognon, Arbitrator of the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne and professor in Padova of European Sports Policy and Integrity
Silvio Guareschi, Inter Campus coach and psychologist
Gouveia Caquezo, Inter Campus Angola technical contact person
Sinisa Bogdanovic, Inter Campus Bosnia and Herzegovina collaborator
Vitok/Tin Tin, Inter Campus Cambodia coach and contact person
Ricardo Martinez, Inter Campus Colombia local coordinator
Arturo Cohen, Inter Campus Israel and Palestine coach
Beisan Alyan, Inter Campus Israel and Palestine coach
Karla Gutierrez, Inter Campus Mexico technical contact person
Youri Djorkaeff, Fifa Foundation president and former Inter champion
Vincenzo Spadafora, former Minister for Sports Youth Policy 2019 - 2021, Unicef President 2008 - 2011, Guarantor of Children's rights 2011-2016
Massimo Moratti, creator and founder of the Inter Campus project