Third Cycle of seminars on the theme "Urban security and human rights", Padova, March-May 2012
Event date: March-May 2012
Venue: Padua, II Reparto Mobile, Aula Magna

The third cycle of seminars on "Urban Security and Human Rights" is promoted by the Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Right of Peoples of the University of Padua and by the Police Headquarters of Padua in the framework of activities scheduled in the Memorandum of Understandings signed on September 25, 2009.
This Memorandum provides for the achievement of activities of awareness, information and training on issues related to human rights, intercultural dialogue and security with the participation of students and professors of the Master's Degree Course in Institutions and Policies of Human Rights and Peace of the University of Padua and staff members of the State Police.
The cycle of meetings is consistent with the United Nations and the Council of Europe programmes dedicated to the human rights training of teachers, civil servants, businessmen and justice and security workers.