"Piergiorgio Cancellieri" Library

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Human rights in international relations.

Cambridge University Press
Forsythe, D.P. (2000)
Politica e relazioni internazionali (5)
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Informatisation du Tiers monde et cooperation internationale

La Documentation Francaise
Beer-Gabel, J. C. (1984)
Sviluppo e diritti umani (251)
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The role of the mass-media and the role of the new information and communication technologies in the democratisation process of the central and eastern european societies.

Horga, Ioan & De la Brosse, Renaud
International Institute of administrative studies (2002)
Media e comunicazioni (27)
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La derniere utopie.Naissance de l'Europe democratique.

Wolton, Domenique (1993)
Unione Europea (57)
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Il bambino virtuale

Camera dei deputati
Commissione Parlamentare per l'infanzia (2002)
Minori (171)
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Paths of education to children human rights, participatory democracy and active citizenship.

VIS Albania
EIDHR (2005)
Educazione (232)
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Europa 1992, guida al mercato unico

Forti, A. (1988)
Unione Europea (10)
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On toleration: A.J. Ayer, M. Cranston, L. Fitt, F.A. Hayek, K. Popper, L. Scarman, M. Warnock

Mendus, S.- Edwards, D. (1987)
Filosofia (21)
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Le relazioni internazionali nell'era dell'interdipendenza e dei Diritti Umani.

Papisca, A., Mascia, M. (1991)
Politica e relazioni internazionali (67)
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