

Presentation of the Library

© Centro Diritti Umani - Università di Padova

The ‘Piergiorgio Cancellieri’ Library is one of the services offered to a wide and diversified user base, thanks to the contribution made by the ‘Peace Human Rights’ Regional Archive, which catalogues the volumes and journals, makes the updated catalogue available online, guarantees access to databases and online journals and supports users in their research and consultation.

Currently, the Library includes in its catalogue more than 4,000 volumes, the main international human rights journals, official documentation of the human rights bodies of the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the European Union. Also part of the Library are the journals and databases accessible online to which the Human Rights Centre subscribes.

The catalogue of available volumes can be consulted using filters with text or subject search functions.

Opening hours - always by appointment:
Tuesday: 10 a.m.-12 noon
Wednesday: 10 a.m.-12 noon

Venue: Human Rights Centre ‘Antonio Papisca’, via Beato Pellegrino, 29 - Padova

Below are pages with a wide selection of national and international scientific journals and documentary databases, useful for bibliographical research.




Human Rights Centre